Olive and Max update

little leaf

Avid Member
well, Olive went to the vet- and it went just about like last time- but worse! she is 127 g now, - I had weighed her right before she started to drop the slugs - she was 148 - I also found 2 more slugs when I tore her plant out - so that is 23 total
here is how the visit went - we got her out, she was nervous, but she is a wc - and always has been a nervous "drama Queen" - he listened to her heart - very strong, a bit fast - he also agreed she looked a bit big yet- but she was also puffed way up - but she was not fooling him- so we agreed she needed the ultrasound, and started to do an exam, he started to genteelly palpate her - and that was all it took - SHE FLIPPED OUT ! when I say flipped out - I am not talking about wriggling about, or protesting- she lost about all her color- started gasping - turned almost white , she never even went dark - it was that fast - if anyone has seen the "death colors" - that is what she was - those blueish white - with patches - we put her down, and she just flopped on her side- I was scared to death she was dying - we rushed her back to her carry box, and put the lid on - when the lady put her in , she just laid there - on her side - gasping - I put the lid on, and he said ( and I agree ) there was no way she is going to be able to get anything else done- we even waited for a bit to see if she would settle - last time she went we had to stop, give her a break, and go back to her- and she was ok - not happy , but ok - this time, when I looked in the box, she looked like she was still going to die - he told me just put the lid on, and do not open it until I get her home- when I got home ( its an 1 1/2 drive one way ) I was so scared to even open the lid- she was still not a normal color- but at least she was sitting up - and almost back to her "PO'ed" colors - he told me because she is still eating and drinking - we are best to just watch her- and if I have any trouble, bring her back asap, and he said they will get everything ready, and I am to arrange her box so that she is on a stick, and we will just lift her out, and try to let her stay on the stick and not even have to touch her - what do you do with her ? this has been a nerve wracking ordeal from the start- and then to take her, and try to do what is needed, and help her, and about kill her with stress - :(
and then we have poor Max - I dont know how many saw about the spider bite - the bite got better all on its own- so I thought - I thought he was on a hunger strike- the original owner said he may go on a small strike in the fallish weather - well, he would eat a few days, then not- and the not days were getting more and more- he would eat a silk, then refused food again for a like 4 days, and then eat again - well, I noticed his shooting was slower, a bit off, but he was still getting the food item - but it kept getting worse- to the point of him sticking the tip of his tongue out, and I would put the worm on it - when he opened his mouth- 1/2 his tongue is not working- he thinks he will get the use back, so he just needs time to heal - I hate spiders !
sooooooo that was my day :( I had brought my camera to tape Olive getting her ultrasound, I thought it would be neat for others to see- but I guess we will have to wait on that one-

Here is Max as he rides shot gun- he goes in my car all the time- he is such a cool little guy :) I made a modified branch to fit the arm rest ( but sometimes he likes the arm rest better :p )
And bless my Mom :) today was her birthday, she knew how nerve wracked I was , worrying about the chams - so she offed to go with me , here she is holding Max after his exam - poor Max, he felt violated :p


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Oh my goodness, what an ordeal you had today!!! Hopefully Olive calms herself down and gets back to normal quickly. Max is adorable, and looks just like my Kosby - who is his sire?
Oh my goodness, what an ordeal you had today!!! Hopefully Olive calms herself down and gets back to normal quickly. Max is adorable, and looks just like my Kosby - who is his sire?

Lancechams (on the forums) is his breeder, his sire is Amaze Jr.jr the mothers sire was Yellow wolf, both blue bar ambilobe, one high red the other high yellow. this is the info given to me by his first owner :)
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Hate to hear that the Vet could not get a good look at her. Hope That she is doing better.
Did the Vet give you Somthing for the spider bite?
How is the husbund?
Sending all good wishes your way, so that everyone make a fast recovery to good health.
take care and keep us posted when you can.
I can imagine how horrible that must have been to see Olive freak out like that... All the time, money, and worry invested in bringing her to the vet and it has the opposite affect, must be so frustrating.

How is she this morning? Has she begun to deflate? Maybe her edema is playing a role in her prolonged puffiness...
I hate that the vet was not able to check Olive and that you had to go through that on your moms birthday. Glad to hear that the vet thinks Max will be ok. How is Olive this morning?
That's a lot to go through I'm sorry. Its really depressing and sad to see one of your babies like this. I have been there

I hope all turns out well for your cham and she can live a happy life after this triumph. Your doing all you can so don't don't lose hope
still big-ish - and she keeps just sitting with her mouth open- like she is hot, but I do not think she is - her lungs are clear- we were able to hook her to the Doppler and get I guess its wan an EKG ( some heart test) ? I feel brain dead! and he also has a microphone/stethoscope thing- and her lungs were clear - so I know its not a lung issue - her skin just hangs off her - but that is no wonder- she had almost 25 grams of slugs! so she has def/ lost her "girlish figure" - lol but she is waiting at her feed cup- she wants to eat - so I am going to keep on feeding her- skipping her snails tho- and she is very restless - but that may be because she is late getting fed - but she gets around like an acrobat- she is stretching from vine to branch - no moving issues - she ate a Crane fly already, she LOVES those- but they are hard to find - so it was a nice treat for her - she acts like she still wants to " lay" or birth - but I can not possibly think she could still have something in her- that is why I was so upset we could not do the ultrasound - but the way she reacted- eyes bugged out- tongue hanging - I know if we would have kept on with her, it would have killed her - I am so frustrated I could cry - but my vet did have a point- as long as she is eating, drinking and not acting "sick" - just keep an eye on her, and let he be - he said, " after all, this IS Olive" - LOL he knows her to well :cool:

I am more worried about Max in a way - he was also very upset about his visit- he was handled very well by the vet, but to get a good look at his mouth he had to restrain him, and he did not like that at all- the pic of my Mom holding him is after his exam, and before Olives- you just see how scared he was - I have never seen Max hold on so tight to anyone - he is such a sweet little (well, hes really big actually - lol) guy- but I am worried about have to force his mouth open - but he is down to 251 grams - he MUST pick up his eating, forced or not - he does not understand this type of handling - and it upsets him- but he pretty much refuses to open his mouth, and part of it may be he can NOT open it even if he wants to - his feelings are hurt - I feel like I am being mean to him- even tho it is for his own good :( I would have never thought one TINY spider could make life such hell :mad:
I hate that both your babies are not well, but they have you tocare for them so they have that big plus in their favor. hugs to you with tons of well wishes for everyone to get better ASAP.
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