nosy mitsio pardalis with a strange nose


New Member
it's a while a go that i post about the mitsio with the horn, here an update

she is going well, and about to mate.
the strange thing that i've noticed, is that there is an extra hole in the middle of the "nose" , she is able to produce a drip of a liquid on top of here nose.
i cant imagine why it is,only as a liquid wich possibl atrack's insects.
if someone has any ideas about her, i really would like to know.
by the way, here sister(from the next clutch of same parents hasn't this extra hole.
regards maykel
Wow, that girl and her horn sure have grown up uhhhhh....interestingly? Thanks for coming back to show her to us again. Any pics of the other one's horn progress?
it's a while a go that i post about the mitsio with the horn, here an update

she is going well, and about to mate.
the strange thing that i've noticed, is that there is an extra hole in the middle of the "nose" , she is able to produce a drip of a liquid on top of here nose.
i cant imagine why it is,only as a liquid wich possibl atrack's insects.
if someone has any ideas about her, i really would like to know.
by the way, here sister(from the next clutch of same parents hasn't this extra hole.
regards maykel

this is quite interesting.
I'll PM you later. Perhaps, i can take your pics and show it to someone that i know who is quite an expert in chameleon.
have you eliminate possibility of a disease?
Interesting. Do you have a straight shot of the animal instead of a side view? It "looks" to me to be some type of inflamation - the animal might have a wicked sinus infection maybe?? - although at that angle it is too difficult tell one way or the other. The liquid in the pic looks clear, is this the case? The fact that it is weeping probably isn't a good thing either, although that is too tough to tell from any pic. Thanks for sharing, good luck.

i would like to tell, that she seens to have control over the hole also, somtimes it looks like she squeezes it down.
i have no clear shot by the side, i think that it's mentioned to catch moisture from the leaves in the morning in dry periods, i noticed once that the moisture seem to be a bit elastic, and was growing by contact with water, if you look to the shape to,it is the perfekt place for it, if their is enough water collected, it will fall down, right into her mouth.

next time i will see one drip, i will take a swap, and let it research in a lab.

regards maykel
This is one of your individuals who has had this since birth correct? Seeing as it hasn't led to its demise to date, I don't imagine that it is likely any type of infection but rather some type of deformation whether genetic or not or detrimental or not. Have you looked inside the roof of the mouth toward the nose to see if you can see any abnormalities there?

how do you know that the water produced was there to attract insects?
Have you seen her do it? I'm genuinely intrigued
Does anyone else think this might be a genetic defect. Possibly from inbreeding. From reading responses, it seems some people think that this is some "new" type of paridalis or something special about Mitsio's. But all of the other mitio's are similar to other panther locals. If this were mine I don't think I would breed it. That is just my opinion though.

im not sure it's to atrack insects,it was only a thaught.
but now i think more that it's been used to drink the moist from the leaves,more about this i can tell asap as i have the results from the drip wich i like to research in a lab.

BUMPITY BUMP, any results yet maykelbroekman?

I think we are all waiting for the results to this intruiging abnormality!

hi scotty,
i was in the alps for a week, and came back today....

i have'nt seen a drip today, but as soon as i have one, i will post it.
the 2 "horned" mitsio females i got, have produced now both 2 clutches and doing well,till today i haven't spot one off them with a drip anymore,but you still can see the hole.
[URL= regards maykel
yes, second clutch has also one in it with such a nose, third clutch did fall away alomst completly,the fourth i gave away as very tiny baby's the fifth and sixth are born now, and raising,but i still don't see such a nose apearing on one of them, and i got another 2 clutches still incubating, all from the same parents, so i hope i get some more.
regards maykel
It really looks like a genetic defect to me. It obviously isn't harming the chameleon if it is doing this well so I don't think it could be called bad. It seems like she just has an accidental third nostril or something like that.
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