No crickets ever??? Silkies???

hahahah no one's a sissy. People have their own lil "things" about themselves. lol I believe I am going to get some Dubia and see how it goes I found a few websites and I got a pm speaking of someone on the forum who sells Dubia. All is well and well is all.
Being a 'sissy' (that's me by the way) is far different from being phobic. I would never suggest that you suck up to a phobia without a lot of mental help. I detest the dubs, have too many of them, have learned that I can hold one and not hyper ventilate or die. I've managed to get rid of the three that grew to a ripe and reproductive age, and now I'm proficient at killing off the little tick sized babies.

The reason I want him to eat crickets is that they're cheap to buy and feed.

I caught an enormous moth today and threw it in with Mort. He didn't eat it until I was out of the room.
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