New Member
Hi Everyone! I just got a poor little 2 week old Jackson's Chameleon from an irresponsible breeder selling them too young at a Repticon event and I have done endless amounts of research but still have questions regarding the care. I absolutely love this little guy and I want to do EVERYTHING EXACTLY right to give him the best chance of survival (knowing that their survival rate is extremely low as it is).
He is currently in a little 3"x3"x2"H plastic container with a hole on each side (which he came in from Repticon) that I modified with cheesecloth over the top and sides to give him more ventilation and prevent the fruit flies from escaping. I am well aware that this enclosure is not appropriate so I am trying to figure out what I SHOULD put him in because I was told that putting him in anything bigger will overwhelm and stress him out (him being so small). I have no idea if this is true or what, so my first question is: What should I house him in being only 2" long?
I have been feeding him fruit flies and they are available to him 24/7 except at night. My next question is: When I don't dust them with supplements, what can I use to lower the fruit flies activity level? I can barely even get them in the container because they are all over the place so does anyone know of something I can put on them to slow them down that won't harm the chameleon besides powder supplements?
What are the best gut loading fruits/veggies for chameleon prey?
Can I feed him silkworms and/or horn worms that are really small? Do they even start off small enough to feed to a neonate chameleon?
When I get him a proper enclosure I want to do a homemade drip system so my next question is: What can I put in the enclosure to catch the water that my chameleon won't be able to get into and drown?
I also want to put live plants in his enclosure but I am not sure which kind to use. Question: From those with experience, which plants are the easiest to clean and care for in a chameleon enclosure?
I have read that neonate chameleons have a higher survival rate being raised outside. Question: Does anyone have any input on this statement? I live in Louisiana and there is definitely high humidity but my concern (if this statement is even true) about putting him outside is the high heat (between 85-95 F +) in this area. Does anyone have experience with keeping different groups of neonate chameleons inside AND outside to compare the survival rate? And with the conditions in my area would it even be feasible to try to raise him outside?
Enclosure: 3"x3"x2" Plastic Container w/ cheesecloth on sides and top and a stick/leaves to climb on/drink off of
Lighting: 5.0 Linear Fluorescent UVB / 25W Basking Spotlight / 12hr on/off
Water: Misting 5+ times a day
Food: All Day Access to Fruit Flies
Supplements: Reptivite* / Calcium Powder w/ D3* / Mist Water Conditioner w/ Calcium
* Just read last night that he is only supposed to get these supplements 1 x per month each and I have been dusting his fruit flies with Reptivite for almost every meal with the exception of the few times I did the Calcium D3 so I am not going to do this anymore and I hope I didn't do anything to harm him by giving him too much of these for the past week!
Recap of Questions:
1) What do I house a 2" Chameleon in that will not stress/overwhelm him? How big should the enclosure be?
2) When I don't dust the fruit flies with supplements, what can I use to lower the their activity level (slow/distract them) that won't affect the chameleon?
3) What are the best gut loading fruits/veggies for chameleon prey?
4) Can I feed him silkworms and/or horn worms that are really small? Do they even start off small enough to feed to a neonate chameleon?
5) For a homemade drip system, what can I put in the enclosure to catch the water but that my chameleon won't be able to get into and drown?
6) From those with experience, which plants are the easiest to clean and care for in a chameleon enclosure?
7) Does anyone have experience with keeping different groups of neonate chameleons inside AND outside to compare the survival rate? And with the conditions in my area (high humidity/85-95 F +) would it even be feasible to try to raise him outside?
Sorry for so many questions but if anyone can help please, please, please give me your input. Thank you so much!!!
He is currently in a little 3"x3"x2"H plastic container with a hole on each side (which he came in from Repticon) that I modified with cheesecloth over the top and sides to give him more ventilation and prevent the fruit flies from escaping. I am well aware that this enclosure is not appropriate so I am trying to figure out what I SHOULD put him in because I was told that putting him in anything bigger will overwhelm and stress him out (him being so small). I have no idea if this is true or what, so my first question is: What should I house him in being only 2" long?
I have been feeding him fruit flies and they are available to him 24/7 except at night. My next question is: When I don't dust them with supplements, what can I use to lower the fruit flies activity level? I can barely even get them in the container because they are all over the place so does anyone know of something I can put on them to slow them down that won't harm the chameleon besides powder supplements?
What are the best gut loading fruits/veggies for chameleon prey?
Can I feed him silkworms and/or horn worms that are really small? Do they even start off small enough to feed to a neonate chameleon?
When I get him a proper enclosure I want to do a homemade drip system so my next question is: What can I put in the enclosure to catch the water that my chameleon won't be able to get into and drown?
I also want to put live plants in his enclosure but I am not sure which kind to use. Question: From those with experience, which plants are the easiest to clean and care for in a chameleon enclosure?
I have read that neonate chameleons have a higher survival rate being raised outside. Question: Does anyone have any input on this statement? I live in Louisiana and there is definitely high humidity but my concern (if this statement is even true) about putting him outside is the high heat (between 85-95 F +) in this area. Does anyone have experience with keeping different groups of neonate chameleons inside AND outside to compare the survival rate? And with the conditions in my area would it even be feasible to try to raise him outside?
Enclosure: 3"x3"x2" Plastic Container w/ cheesecloth on sides and top and a stick/leaves to climb on/drink off of
Lighting: 5.0 Linear Fluorescent UVB / 25W Basking Spotlight / 12hr on/off
Water: Misting 5+ times a day
Food: All Day Access to Fruit Flies
Supplements: Reptivite* / Calcium Powder w/ D3* / Mist Water Conditioner w/ Calcium
* Just read last night that he is only supposed to get these supplements 1 x per month each and I have been dusting his fruit flies with Reptivite for almost every meal with the exception of the few times I did the Calcium D3 so I am not going to do this anymore and I hope I didn't do anything to harm him by giving him too much of these for the past week!
Recap of Questions:
1) What do I house a 2" Chameleon in that will not stress/overwhelm him? How big should the enclosure be?
2) When I don't dust the fruit flies with supplements, what can I use to lower the their activity level (slow/distract them) that won't affect the chameleon?
3) What are the best gut loading fruits/veggies for chameleon prey?
4) Can I feed him silkworms and/or horn worms that are really small? Do they even start off small enough to feed to a neonate chameleon?
5) For a homemade drip system, what can I put in the enclosure to catch the water but that my chameleon won't be able to get into and drown?
6) From those with experience, which plants are the easiest to clean and care for in a chameleon enclosure?
7) Does anyone have experience with keeping different groups of neonate chameleons inside AND outside to compare the survival rate? And with the conditions in my area (high humidity/85-95 F +) would it even be feasible to try to raise him outside?
Sorry for so many questions but if anyone can help please, please, please give me your input. Thank you so much!!!