New Member
Hello! I just stumbled across this website and thought I'd give posting a shot. Yesterday I got my 2 month old Veiled Chameleon. He seems to be adjusting well and staying up at the top of the cage so he can bask. However, I'm worried about him eating. I got some small crickets and put calcium dust on them and then released them into the enclosure, but it is very hard to keep up with how much he's eating using that method. He doesnt like eating or drinking infront of people so I cant be in the room. I know how often chameleons are unintentionally mistreated and I'm trying very hard to not be just another ignorant person who doesnt give their pet a good life. Any suggestions on how I could be sure he's eating enough? I have attached some photos of my enclosure set up, please feel free to give me criticism on that as well. I will take any and all advice.
P.S - His name is Ichabod. Named after the main character from Sleepy Hollow
P.S - His name is Ichabod. Named after the main character from Sleepy Hollow