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New Member
Just wanted to say hi to all the members here.
I've been reading information from this site since before I even owned my cham, and find it helpful and informative.
I have a baby male veiled. I've had him about two months and from what I've read from other parents he eats like a PIG.
His body length is about 2 1/2"(excluding tail) and he eats 15-17 3/8" crix a day!
I feed him about 10 in the morn. and 5-8 at night.(they are not escaping)
He seems very healthy and I've been told to feed him as much as he will eat right now. My concern is he will look like Jabba the Hut.
Does this amount seem normal?
They are certainly good at turning food into body mass in the first year, and can eat a huge amount!
I have been a proponent of feeding as much as they want in the first six months, but am in the beginning stages of re-evaluating this.
The problem (in my opinion) could be growing them too fast.
Bone and tissue development might be better served by offering a sufficient amount of food, but not "stuffing" them (growing them slowly).
At this stage they are very opportunistic and will eat whatever they can find. This is a good strategy in their natural environment where they would need to take advantage of every opportunity in order to get enough nutrition.
It is very probable that "in the wild" every bug would not be caught and a lot more work may be involved in hunting them down. Sitting and waiting for insects to pass by would also not yield the high amounts provided in captivity.
In an enclosure every bug is a success story and we may be over feeding by making things too easy.
I would think 10 a day would be sufficient for your animal.
Again, this is the beginning of me changing my opinion on this subject .... certainly more thoughts and opinions will be helpful in formulating a schedule.

Thanks Brad.
I sometimes wonder where he is putting them all in that little body!!
His poop seems normal color wise and most times quite large for body size.
What you say makes sense though, I want him to be a big healthy boy but don't want him snapping branches!


I will say that I have raised my almost 3 year old male since he was 5 weeks old and in the first 6 months of his life he got all he wanted!
He grew very fast and is very strong and healthy.
I just wonder if it's necessary to give a young animal that much food.

Hello Terry

They do sure like to eat when they are little, eh!?

My preference is to feed a variety of small meals, multiple times a day, as I think this more closely mimics what might happen in the wild, and thus might be more in-line with their bodies needs. I read once (on Adcham I think), and it made sense to me, that they only have so much digestive juices anyhow, so extra food would be passed as wasted.
So perhaps instead of 10 at once, maybe 2 or 3 at once, 3 or 4 times a day for the same total of ~10-15

If he starts to look like a big fat jabba the hut, cut back on food, especially the fatty ones like superworms
If he's a bit lanky, thats fine.

How old is he?

when you say you give him 5-8 at night, is this a few hours before lights out? You want to give them time to digest their meal before they sleep.
Hi Sandra
A little bit at a time would be ideal but from Mon-Thurs I'm at work and these are the only times I can feed him.
The last feeding is at 5 and lights out is 7:30-8.
He does not seem "fat", but has a good little belly after he eats.
As far as age I'm not sure exactly. I've had him 2 months and I can't figure out how to re-size a photo to put on here.(his body was about 1" long)

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