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Good Morning! Im known here as Breeannsmom We recently purchased a Pied Veiled Chameleon, we call her Bree!. I have worked with animals all of my life. With Vets at the Worcester Science Center at a Barnyard Zoo but mainly I got my interest in Reptiles through my work at the SCience Center which is now known as the Ecotarium. There were many types of lizards, snakes and all kinds of animals there. Years later I raised Cocker Spaniels and showed them which was a childhood dream come true! I have milked a rattler, force fed a Gila Monster and there is not enough room here to mention it all. However I have never had a Chameleon!,until now. When we got Bree, she started to shed when we got her home, we have had her for almost a month now and she just finished her 2nd shed since her arrival, she has just about doubled in size and all seems well except she does not change patterns or color, she is a beautiful green color and has white on her legs and face and no sign of MBD. well I just wanted to introduce myself and say hello!
Welcome to the forum and the world of chameleons!

You force fed a Gila monster??!! Milked a rattler??? You're braver than me!

It's not something to worry about that the chameleon doesn't change color when young. Likely means that she is comfortable in her life with you.

There are some things you need to be aware of with female veiled chameleons though. They can produce eggs without being as they approach sexual maturity you have to be careful not to overfeed them or keep them too warm to prevent huge clutches and develop follicular stasis, MBD, dystocia which will shorten their lives.

You also need to provide a laybin once she is old enough to produce eggs...and leave it in her cage all the time.
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