New Jackson


New Member
I have had my female Jackson for about a month now and have noticed that when i let food free roam and run by her she seems to eat more often then when i put them in my DIY cricket feeder. I have only seen her eat maybe one or two crickets a day at most out of the feeder but im seeing her eat more from free ranging the insects. I have a mistking setup so i don't like the free roaming food because they tend to die off. Anything i can do to increase her feeding from the feeder? She also hasn't taken to cup feeding worms any thoughts on how to get her to do this as well? Thanks!
That's exactly what I have setup.


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The best way to get them to start eating from a container is by offering them food in a clear container that is suspended in the cage amongst the branches. That's how I have always got WC's to eat out of them. All the chameleons I own are WC except for 22 of them, so it can be done. Good luck!
Jpowell86 said .."All the chameleons I own are WC except for 22 of them, so it can be done" many chameleons do you have???!!
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