New Exo Terra Terrarium 18x18x24


New Member
Just wanted to share my new Chameleon Terrarium with you guys it has a fogger, waterfall, live pet grass, lots of fake plants, and vines, large log thing, and a 5.0 uva-uvb light along with night and day heat lights and a auto timer that turns on the day lights at 7 am and off at 7pm when it turns off the daytime lights it turns on the night time lights here are some photos tell me what you guys think my chameleon's name is Waldo because that was a great book lol














I hope you eventually upgrade to a bigger screen cage int he future as he will grow out of that quickly also get the substrate out of there because he will get impaction, no chameleon (except pygmies) should have a substrate
Hi, and welcome to the forums! First off let me thank you for all the pics! (we love them!) I will offer some advice bout your setup. Although I agree with the cautions against substrate, my main concern is to add more vines and foliage to the top of the enclosure. This will add security and shelter for your new little friend. Waldo will not have much use for the waterfall, and although a few chams will drink from pools of water, the majority will find hydration from water droplets on leaves and from daily mistings. Good luck with your little friend Waldo, and can't wait to see him grow! ;)
here are some updated photos from today











This is the second chameleon i have hade my first one liver to be 6 years old with live plants and the same eco earth im using now never had a problem the water fall has a vine running right next to it and she uses the vine to drink from the waterfall i also mist the tank twice a day and yes when she gets bigger she will have an all mesh cage.

But thanks for the info on the chameleon guys i truely do appreciate it
I do echo the comments above regarding substrate. As they say in investing, "past performance is not an indicator of future results." I think this disclaimer applies to both substrate and waterfalls. I would be weary of using substrate - even though it may not have caused an issue previously, that doesn't mean it will not in the future. All chams are different. I see little benefit to the substrate - it makes it harder to maintain sanitary conditions, causes prey to hide, and can lead to impaction. The same goes for the waterfall - it can harbor bacteria, dead prey, fecal matter, and can sometimes lead to drowning.

If I were you I would remove those two items, and then you will have a nice enclosure for your new cham. Then once he gets a bit older, it's on to the screen cage as you mentioned.

Thanks for the pictures! :)

Also, are you sure it is a boy? I may be missing them, but I'm having trouble seeing the spurs on the back feet...maybe someone else can help me out.
Just my opinion. Waterfalls are a cesspool of bacteria. I would take it out, just in case on the off chance that the chameleon drinks from it.
no its a girl with a boys name lol

Ahh, okay, now I understand :D Thanks for clarifying! ;)

Along those lines, are you aware of the additional care requirements for females? If not, here is a good link to check out:

Scroll down and it will give info on some of the additional considerations for female veileds. If you already know this, then feel free to disregard.

Enjoy! :)
Others have already mentioned the waterfall, substrate and need for more vines.

I haven't seen anyone mention use of night time lights. Chameleons should have complete darkness at night.

Overall this terrarium will work in the short term while you invest in a large screen enclosure.
i hope you change his cage into a bigger, screen enclosure. chameleons get stressed out when in glass cages because the see there reflection and they like to have a ventilated cage.
One other item I may suggest changing (possibly when you move to a screen enclosure, depending on how long that is from now), would be to utilize a linear tube-style light for UVB as opposed to a CFL style. This tends to give a better spread of UVB light, and is generally preferred. The Repti-sun 5.0 UVB is always a typical choice (although some prefer the 10.0 - but usually for adult chams). The 5.0 refers to 5% UVB rays.
i hope you change his cage into a bigger, screen enclosure. chameleons get stressed out when in glass cages because the see there reflection and they like to have a ventilated cage.

Glass exoterra enclosures are fine. This guy doesn't know what he's talking about....
The reason most people say to steer clear of waterfalls is because they aren't often kept clean and seem to attract insects to die in. My personal belief is that if you clean it regularly it should be fine.

Substrate is extra work too. I would seed with springtails and isopods, with it being well planted and seeded I think it would be easier to maintain. As far as the impaction risk I've heard reports of rocks and moss and other things that shouldn't be eaten causing impaction but not Eco-earth in a well hydrated cham.

Glass can cause issues in some Chameleons either by not recognizing the barrier or by stress from reflections. Not all get stressed by it and in general should be okay.

I do think this would be a little small for a full grown Veiled though.
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