never ever fires up!

so first i bought a faly from the Raiden line. but he is almost 2 years old now and still never ever fires up. never even puffs up not even the other day when i tried pissing him off a little to get a look in his mouth... even when i take my ambilobe out and put one cham on each hand my ambilobe puffs right up and his colors get a bit brighter and shows more red and yellow.. my faly seems like he couldnt care less. once i saw his eyes get that candy striped look but thats it... anybody else ever come across this a cham never firing up for anything? its a little disapointing. though on the other hand he is super chilled out pretty nice little guy.. where as my ambilobe is what you might call an ass hole especially if you wake him up.. though he is warming up to me.. will try to post pics of both in a sec
k well for some reason i cant get pics to upload and its getting late for me so i will try to show you guys pics tomorrow. have been meaning to post some forever.
Mirror? Or with some of mine, a small red balloon at the end of a straw (hey ya gotta get them to open their mouth for the vet some how...)
My Felino will puff up at me, but he doesn't really fire up either. I stuck him in front of the mirror but he's so busy looking at all the other stuff in the bathroom he never even notices himself. My veiled would fire right up when he saw himself. It is frustrating.
I wish my guy would have that problem, i take one step in front of his place and he immediatly puffs up, i open the door and then he hisses and snaps. As soon as i get him out he calms down a lot
I think we just have really relaxed Chams that have perhaps learned to see us as their providers and protectors, and no longer as a threat, which may be why he doesn't fire up around you.
my guy usually flairs up when I accidentally move too quickly around him. sometimes hes really chill and just runs onto my hand or to the ladder to his free range and other times he just wants to be left alone. but just to show how weird he is the other day he was on his free range and me and my two friends were in my room and he just ran up to me, climbed aboard and made his way around my friends back to his cage. he was so hyper and was displaying the entire time.
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