Natural death


New Member
Hello all,

So, what I'd like to know is what is "healthy" death like in Veiled Chams? I mean, given that their life span is so short, especially females, is it that they are just that given to diseases or malnutrition, or do they just run out of steam one day and keel over?

Do they always die of something, i.e. the weakest link breaking, or is there such a thing as just a graceful passing in their sleep old-age thing?

I'm trying to prepare myself...
When they get old they suffer many of the same problems that we do. If they go to the vet regularly the vet will advise you of the problems. My old guys have arthritis more than anything else. I've also had one with hardening of the arteries, high blood pressure and arthritis. Sadly, my female have never made it to a ripe old age. Egg ploblems got two of them, liver failure another, abscess under the lung another and prolaps another.
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