My Son Tiger baby

Thank SO much Jann!! I just could not be more happy with how he has turned out. The only problem is I NEVER had plans to breed Ambi's and now I feel almost obligated :rollseyes: :D Must resist getting him a second girlfriend....must resist.... His Girl friend from Suzi, Annapurna is already 43g and growing like it's an olympic sport, so it will not be too long ;)
I was playing with a new iPad app called ColorBlast! and thought this came out pretty well.

lol, its amazing if you go look at the first post, then look at him now. He is absolutely gorgeous
Thought I would post up a couple of photos of George from today outside in his "resting" colors. I just love how colorful he is all the time and then when he fires up its WOW!!!



i just went thru all 13 pages of post and pictures and cant believe what i saw. his colors are so crazy bright and vivid. i am getting my first ambilobi in a couple months. the sire is Noki who looks identical to george. i hope he comes out as well as yours did. props on the great husbandry you provided for this guy. all that hard work deff payed off.
That is one gorgeous panther. !!! I love his coloring, resting or fired up!!!!!!

Thanks!! Me too:D Everyone says that panthers are not pretty unless fired up and George just flies in the face of that....he is, however, always prettier outside;)

I agree. He is stunning!

Thank you! He's my little baby too;)

I just love seeing George. He is just so handsome. :)

Thanks Jann!! You are always too kind. He was the first of 8 and still the most stunning. I just can't wait to see what he produces:cool: I was showing pictures of him to Ed and he said that he doesn't think he has ever seen a Son Tiger baby turn out quite like George:D


i just went thru all 13 pages of post and pictures and cant believe what i saw. his colors are so crazy bright and vivid. i am getting my first ambilobi in a couple months. the sire is Noki who looks identical to george. i hope he comes out as well as yours did. props on the great husbandry you provided for this guy. all that hard work deff payed off.

Thanks and good luck on your new baby!! I really like the threads that just keep updating with photos because you really get to see how a cham develops. George is 15mo now and 128g and keeps getting better. He is my official cham ambassador and is the first to come out to greet visitors and goes with me to give presentations and school etc.:cool::cool:
It's been a while since I added any pictures of George. He is doing great and has had a little bit of cage fever being that temps have been above 110 deg here lately and other then hanging on some free range trees every once in awhile he has been in his cage for far too long. Well today we had a HUGE gift in the form of a big storm which dropped temps into the 70's which is just unheard of this time a year when it is normally barely below 100 deg at 11pm. So the race was on to get all the chams outside and into the rain and cool temps. I really hate taking pictures inside and so I haven't been taking many lately, so even though the light sucked I grabbed the camera and tried to get a few shots between waves of rain that were soaking the patio. IT WAS A GLORIOUS DAY!!:cool::D
Here are a few of the shots...







And George's main squeeze Annapurna ;)
Glad that George was able to get some outside time. Annapurna is a lovely little lady and George is just totally awesome. I think it's about time you enter one of his photos in the photo contest. You have quite a few really nice shots.
So for those that are interested George is now on facebook LOL which my wife has been having fun with. You can follow his updates here

He recently had a "date" with the love of his went as expected ;)

Then this week...
"I came out to visit the love of my life, Anapurna, this afternoon..."

"...but she did not seem happy to see me!"
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