My Panther won't open his eyes?!?!? Help!


New Member
So I woke up this morning on this beautiful Saturday and went about my normal biz... So I go to feed my chammy his name is "Leo" his silk worms, that he loves... and for some strange reason his eyes are not opening.. Now I misted down his cage and he did move around. It almost looked like he was trying to open his eyes but he couldn't... I have no idea if this is normal, or not?? He seems to be breathing fine, when I try to check for a pulse he will turn bright colors so I know that he is still alive.. It just looks like he is sleeping, he has food on the bottom of his cage. His eyes just won't open, so he's not moving around much or any at all... Please Help!!!!!!

I'm very concerned.... I won't be able to take him to a vet till Monday if need be..... Please HELP!!!
How old is he? If he is not an old animal then he sounds ill to me. A vet can help a chameleon unless it is old age related illness.
Although this is controversial, because it can dehydrate them, I put mine on a towel across the shower curtain and the moisture helps his eyes. Good luck.

Take a run through answering as much as you can from: and we'll see if there is anything we recognize as a potential source of troubles. While you are trying to get to the vet, try some 20 minute warm water misting sessions. It is unlikely that there is something wrong with his eyes but the combination of wetting the eyes and making sure that he is fully hydrated is a reasonable action to take.
Rush to the vet

Preferably one who is experienced with chams. The sooner you go, the better chance your guy has. Don't feel bad, all cham keepers end up at the vet sooner or later, except for those who don't care and just let them die when they get sick.
Preferably one who is experienced with chams. The sooner you go, the better chance your guy has. Don't feel bad, all cham keepers end up at the vet sooner or later, except for those who don't care and just let them die when they get sick.

True, every one of my chameleons has ended up at the vet, even if its just at the end of their lifespan due to old age related illness.
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