My new female Jacksons, black spot on eye


New Member
Chameleon Info:
Your Chameleon: Female Jacksons chameleon approx. 5 months old, (not to sure, I bought her from a local breeder and he said she was 5 months old but based on her size I’m not sure) she’s about 4-5 inches in length. I just bought her 2 days ago.
Handling- I handle sparingly, trying to allow her to adjust to her new environment.
Feeding – she has only eaten a super worm, yesterday and then today she ate a another super worm and a cricket
Supplements - dusted with Repashy calcium and vitamins.

Watering - I also put electrolytes in her water. I mist her cage about 2-3 times a day and have a dripper on some of the plants. She drinks often.
Fecal Description – I have not seen any fecal matter from her in the cage at all it may be to small or its just hidden. The cage is pretty dense towards the bottom.
History - the only thing I know is that she was born in a breeder family.

Cage Info:
Cage Type - 18x18x36
Lighting – have a 5.0 reptisun, and not sure what the heat bulb is but seems to be working quite well she basks quite often as well.
Temperature – Cage temperature varies. Towards the top it’s a 85-87 and 70-75 towards the bottom
Plants – I have two umbrella plants and a lower dwelling plants.
Placement – I have decided to place her in the corner of my room away from the window.
Location – Southern California. ( low desert)

Current problem: I have noticed she has a black spot around her right eye; she is able to move it regularly. oh and i have noticed she likes to rub it against anything she can.

anything helps everyone! :D thank you


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any1 else?? looks kinda like a bruise to me. one of the other chams gave her a black eye... wonder what she did... :D
I'm not too sure how common it is, but I've always worried about a chameleon shooting a superworm at the tail and having it swing up and bite near the eye (I've heard they pack a surprisingly strong bite).

That's why I'm always sure they target the head. Perhaps this could be the reasoning. Either way, I'd have her see a vet to be sure.

Looks like bruising from the photo but I'm not with her to be certain. That basking temp could come down just a little bit, considering she's still young. Try for 80 F as a max.
shes is doing quite well in her new set up, i just found a stool of hers on a leaf and inspected it, as far as the naked eye could, and from all the other forums ive seem it looks like a healthy poop! so im glad to see that, the black area is not spreading and is really only visible when she has her brighter colors.

Edit for pics:

here are some different pics of the eye



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It's hard to say. It could just be a bruise, and it also could have been caused from a bite that has either infected or bruised in return. Does she have troubles using that eye since you posted this thread?
It's hard to say. It could just be a bruise, and it also could have been caused from a bite that has either infected or bruised in return. Does she have troubles using that eye since you posted this thread?

no not all, she has never had trouble with the eye uses it normally through full range of motion she no longer rubs it against anything
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