My Mellers is sick. Need help

He may just need to stretch his tongue, by firing at prey, since it's been a while since his tongue was used. Is he being supplemented with preformed A? Give him some A supplementation, after a week or two. You want him flushed of meds and hydrated, before giving anything except plain calcium. He could be a bit tired and little low on any number of vitamins and minerals, from not eating and being ill, but he'll recover if you use an adequate supplementation schedule.
So Taco is active and acting like his normal self moving around the enclosure and drinking a lot of water when the misters come on. He is not holding his head up anymore except for the usual posture after he drinks.

BUT...the past 2 days I have witnessed him misfire on prey. Both times he went to shoot tongue and it only came out about 3 inches.

Do you think this could be the meds in his system effecting his tongue? I am going off of the meds today.

Did you use oral medication? If so, you might have hurt his tongue with the syringe.
Thanks guys. No oral medication used. I will give it a couple of more days and see if he still has problems after meds are totally out of system. I'm thinking it is a combination of meds and no use for 3 weeks. He is eating. Pretty pumped about that!
Taco Update:

So Taco has been off his meds since Tuesday (6days). He has eaten about 12 large silkworms since that time. In the last 3 days he is starting to use his tongue normally with just the occasional times when it doesn't stick to prey. I also witnessed him poop on Friday and was able to check that out. It looked normal and it showed good hydration as well. He is acting and looking like he is back to 100%. Thanks for everyone's help!


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Taco Update:

So Taco has been off his meds since Tuesday (6days). He has eaten about 12 large silkworms since that time. In the last 3 days he is starting to use his tongue normally with just the occasional times when it doesn't stick to prey. I also witnessed him poop on Friday and was able to check that out. It looked normal and it showed good hydration as well. He is acting and looking like he is back to 100%. Thanks for everyone's help!

That is so great to hear!! I am gad that Taco is back to his normal healthy self!

Thanks for keeping us updated!!
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