Your Chameleon - 3- 1 male Cap Est juvenile , 1 female panther specific local unknown age 1.5 was told these 2 in my care for 4 days . 1 male panther was told either Ambilobe or ambanja (rolls eyes) how to tell the difference ? He’s a juvenile had him almost 3 weeks.
Handling - handled at total clean outs 1-2 times a week. Now that I’m batteling cocc. Parasite it will be spot sterilization with a garment steamer along with peroxide wipe ups. Usually the handelinh consist of me going from under them geting them to come to me . Then onto another hang out spot while I clean. Now that I have the parasite everyone will stay put except once a day to get medicine orally. No free roaming or inter mingling
Feeding - I keep a bin of gut loaded crix, on fresh spring mix veggies flowers of my hibiscuses, wax worms (sparingly not much interest in them ) horn worms I pick up a bin and offer one every few days I plann in adding roaches as a staple over crix . What amount? 5-10 of each feeder staple offered every other day , other feeder offered in between as treats during cleaning etc . Thes chams have parasites and aren’t eating much so what ever they will eat I offer. Havent been in my care long enough to get them on a schedule. I did find “feeder run” thing on unclaimed baggage .com for $25 instead of $50 none are interested in it the crix don’t climb it and the worms get stuck. I got it to see how it’s made so I can make them but I’m unimpressed this far other than the magnet. The rest is common science .
Supplements - I use repashy straight calcium every feed 2 x a month 15th and 30th ( coincides with when I got the first) I use calcium multivitamin with low d however I’m confused on if I should be using the one with the chameleon on it or the one with the leopard gecko?
Watering -
I plan on geting a mist king , would have ordered it when I ordered my larger cages however with the parasites ...will it infect my mist system ? Till I have a concrete answer to that I’m misting with Brita water minimal 3 times a day. Before the lights come on , before I feed around lunch time and then while I’m making dinner. Always allowing a total dry out. I see the 2 I got together opening and licking the insides of their mouths and lips their heated are white and some yellow streaking , the other guy Loves to drink has favorite spots to sit and will ignore food to drink of water drops are present so he requires a dry cage for feeding or the crix go hide and I have to chase them down and replace them later ( never putting them from a terrarium to a bin. If anything they would go in a desperate bin used to make cricket babies.
Fecal Description - Formed but obvious parasites as it’s mucous like jelly And peroxide flares up on it big time and it starts to wiggle.
Has this chameleon ever been tested for parasites? One has , I’m giving all 3 the same treatment, I will be taking in all 3 one at a time. I just had to trash $70 in real plants and replace everything with $100 worth of fake. Some will be used in future permanent housing with approval from the admins recommended use of fake plants as staple or accessory with “Panther” chams only !!!
History - Any previous information about your cham that might be useful to others when trying to help you. I have none. And the first guy the one I got alone. I got him because he had an injury. It was either stuck shed or a bite from a larger cham or a cut on both sides one worse than the other. He came running to me and I couldn’t leave him to get infected. It’s healing nicely. I can’t remember if the scales and color will come back and if there is anything I should be putting on it? The female that I took to the vet , I took her in for some stuck shed on the eye lid edge that looked goopy 24hrs after I took possession. Vet removed it and said all clear not worried and dismissed the bump bubble in the opposite eye. However today 24hrs after vet visit it’s gooped over and cloudy again , and she’s closing and moving the other eye around trying to remove something is my guess. I however stressed it again before I left and they were unconcerned. What do I do when I call them in the morning. Is it wrong to not want to pay another office visit for an issue I originally presented with ?
Cage Info: currently 2 -16x30 and 1 18x18x30 / perms with be the standard desired size of 24x28
Cage Type - reptibreeze deluxe xls
Lighting - 12/12 Arcadia t5 6% 48in fixture over 3 cages x2 staggered with 3 75 (I think) incandescent basking bulbs in domes (will be at angles ) basking is at about 78-85 depending on my ac night time ambient is 68 ( still trying to situate it all and they aren’t in their permanent location in my home so I’m working with what I have till my rack is built and they are out of quarantine in my living room where I can see any sudden health concerns.
How do you measure these temps? I have a tech gun still figuring out all its settings
Humidity - haven’t had my probes set up in their area yet. However my house sits aT 40% ambient humidity I have a humidifier going in the room their in and a small digital one proped inside reads about 55-70% depending on how recent I misted them.
How are you creating and maintaining these levels? Humidifier misting and probe temp checking . What do you use to measure humidity? Ac infinity cloud9 inline fan with carbon filter and fan for circulation without draft it has a state of the art screen for humidity with alarms and will use it’s fan to circulate air and the carbon filter removes smells from the air from the feeders and poop . ( got to love having a little know how about indoor hydroponics a lot of the same equipment ) so yeah it tells me the temp and humidity and I can see it from my phone.
Plants - Are you using live plants? If so, what kind? Schflerra pothos hibiscus cheese plant , now I’m using fake while in quarantine.
Placement - Where is your cage located? Is it near any fans, air vents, or high traffic areas? No direct air , traffic yes but not stress level. They are at a far wall alone to one side of the room able to see everything but not be seen. At what height is the top of the cage relative to your room floor? 6-7 ft I think. Seriously I have them on a folding table that rises it’s on the highest setting and I have to use a step ladder to go in them ( I’m 5’1)
Location - Where are you geographically located? South East Florida USA
Current Problem - The current problem you are concerned about. In the afore mentions where it pertains or I would forget.
So with out further procrastination. Please welcome Peaches and her gang ( boys have no names yet. Some of these photos are not in their enclosures or part of what I have them in just what I have to reference each with. I haven’t been intrusive unless necessary in order to get good photos. ( one hates me and he bit the blood out of my finger today ) so he gets dark as soon as I open up the cage lol. I can’t name him Gator as I already had a Cham that bit named Gator. Photo of the adult cap Est I was told is my guys father. So any help with positive ID on these 3 would be appreciated.
Handling - handled at total clean outs 1-2 times a week. Now that I’m batteling cocc. Parasite it will be spot sterilization with a garment steamer along with peroxide wipe ups. Usually the handelinh consist of me going from under them geting them to come to me . Then onto another hang out spot while I clean. Now that I have the parasite everyone will stay put except once a day to get medicine orally. No free roaming or inter mingling
Feeding - I keep a bin of gut loaded crix, on fresh spring mix veggies flowers of my hibiscuses, wax worms (sparingly not much interest in them ) horn worms I pick up a bin and offer one every few days I plann in adding roaches as a staple over crix . What amount? 5-10 of each feeder staple offered every other day , other feeder offered in between as treats during cleaning etc . Thes chams have parasites and aren’t eating much so what ever they will eat I offer. Havent been in my care long enough to get them on a schedule. I did find “feeder run” thing on unclaimed baggage .com for $25 instead of $50 none are interested in it the crix don’t climb it and the worms get stuck. I got it to see how it’s made so I can make them but I’m unimpressed this far other than the magnet. The rest is common science .
Supplements - I use repashy straight calcium every feed 2 x a month 15th and 30th ( coincides with when I got the first) I use calcium multivitamin with low d however I’m confused on if I should be using the one with the chameleon on it or the one with the leopard gecko?
Watering -
I plan on geting a mist king , would have ordered it when I ordered my larger cages however with the parasites ...will it infect my mist system ? Till I have a concrete answer to that I’m misting with Brita water minimal 3 times a day. Before the lights come on , before I feed around lunch time and then while I’m making dinner. Always allowing a total dry out. I see the 2 I got together opening and licking the insides of their mouths and lips their heated are white and some yellow streaking , the other guy Loves to drink has favorite spots to sit and will ignore food to drink of water drops are present so he requires a dry cage for feeding or the crix go hide and I have to chase them down and replace them later ( never putting them from a terrarium to a bin. If anything they would go in a desperate bin used to make cricket babies.
Fecal Description - Formed but obvious parasites as it’s mucous like jelly And peroxide flares up on it big time and it starts to wiggle.
Has this chameleon ever been tested for parasites? One has , I’m giving all 3 the same treatment, I will be taking in all 3 one at a time. I just had to trash $70 in real plants and replace everything with $100 worth of fake. Some will be used in future permanent housing with approval from the admins recommended use of fake plants as staple or accessory with “Panther” chams only !!!
History - Any previous information about your cham that might be useful to others when trying to help you. I have none. And the first guy the one I got alone. I got him because he had an injury. It was either stuck shed or a bite from a larger cham or a cut on both sides one worse than the other. He came running to me and I couldn’t leave him to get infected. It’s healing nicely. I can’t remember if the scales and color will come back and if there is anything I should be putting on it? The female that I took to the vet , I took her in for some stuck shed on the eye lid edge that looked goopy 24hrs after I took possession. Vet removed it and said all clear not worried and dismissed the bump bubble in the opposite eye. However today 24hrs after vet visit it’s gooped over and cloudy again , and she’s closing and moving the other eye around trying to remove something is my guess. I however stressed it again before I left and they were unconcerned. What do I do when I call them in the morning. Is it wrong to not want to pay another office visit for an issue I originally presented with ?
Cage Info: currently 2 -16x30 and 1 18x18x30 / perms with be the standard desired size of 24x28
Cage Type - reptibreeze deluxe xls
Lighting - 12/12 Arcadia t5 6% 48in fixture over 3 cages x2 staggered with 3 75 (I think) incandescent basking bulbs in domes (will be at angles ) basking is at about 78-85 depending on my ac night time ambient is 68 ( still trying to situate it all and they aren’t in their permanent location in my home so I’m working with what I have till my rack is built and they are out of quarantine in my living room where I can see any sudden health concerns.
How do you measure these temps? I have a tech gun still figuring out all its settings
Humidity - haven’t had my probes set up in their area yet. However my house sits aT 40% ambient humidity I have a humidifier going in the room their in and a small digital one proped inside reads about 55-70% depending on how recent I misted them.
How are you creating and maintaining these levels? Humidifier misting and probe temp checking . What do you use to measure humidity? Ac infinity cloud9 inline fan with carbon filter and fan for circulation without draft it has a state of the art screen for humidity with alarms and will use it’s fan to circulate air and the carbon filter removes smells from the air from the feeders and poop . ( got to love having a little know how about indoor hydroponics a lot of the same equipment ) so yeah it tells me the temp and humidity and I can see it from my phone.
Plants - Are you using live plants? If so, what kind? Schflerra pothos hibiscus cheese plant , now I’m using fake while in quarantine.
Placement - Where is your cage located? Is it near any fans, air vents, or high traffic areas? No direct air , traffic yes but not stress level. They are at a far wall alone to one side of the room able to see everything but not be seen. At what height is the top of the cage relative to your room floor? 6-7 ft I think. Seriously I have them on a folding table that rises it’s on the highest setting and I have to use a step ladder to go in them ( I’m 5’1)
Location - Where are you geographically located? South East Florida USA
Current Problem - The current problem you are concerned about. In the afore mentions where it pertains or I would forget.
So with out further procrastination. Please welcome Peaches and her gang ( boys have no names yet. Some of these photos are not in their enclosures or part of what I have them in just what I have to reference each with. I haven’t been intrusive unless necessary in order to get good photos. ( one hates me and he bit the blood out of my finger today ) so he gets dark as soon as I open up the cage lol. I can’t name him Gator as I already had a Cham that bit named Gator. Photo of the adult cap Est I was told is my guys father. So any help with positive ID on these 3 would be appreciated.