My Fish/Turtle Tank :D

cool-cool i should rest when im sick and i was resting till i saw that then i jumped outa my bed but i would been more stern and well...mean if i realy thought it was live but i had enough faith in ya;)
Sorry for making you jump ;)
They cuddle :

hhee REALLY OLD PIC!! He is 3 inches now ;)
Wow, I forgot how cute they are that little, :p Ive got a way bigger (11 by 7 inches) 11 year old RES named franklin, Lemme tell you he would have none of any of those fish they would be eaten as fast as he could catch them. I agree that sexing the turtle that young is near impossible. While claws are a good reference point he or she might grow into them with time. We had three RES from the size of quarters in my home and it was a four to six years, there age of maturation, before my buddy Franklin had to be moved out of the aquarium because he wasn't so happy that Bob and Skippy were getting along so well. ;) That's when we found out Bob was a girl and Skippy and Franklin males. Later bob made it obvious by laying eggs and staying a little yellower in colour and smaller in size them Bob. But if you were to compare Skippy and Franklin now at 11 years old Skippy looks like a girl though I'm sure hes not :D
cool a red eared slider arnt they cool i had one of them as kid i love them little guys dont see them much anymore here in the uk
It is unfortunate that they are a popular pet. If I would have known when I was nine that Id have this turtle forever I might not have wanted one. But I love him :) and hes there to entertain me for next 70 years. There are rescue places around here for RES turtles because people don't want them anymore once there big and just bask and swim......well and eat lettuce and the occasional shrimp :p
There is a place in London that takes them, its a really good place as well. Ill look up the name and contact info for you, I only know it from being there a few times, I'll post it shortly
Yeah they sure are cute :D Potato (my RES) is only 3 inches I believe "he" was 1-1.5 inches when I bought "him" :) In a year maybe less I will be able to sex Potato yay! Thankfully I chose a name that really isn't particular to a certain sex. Though I hope it is a male as they stay a lot smaller than females and therefore need a smaller tank/pond.
The Butterfly Conservatory near Niagara Falls has indoor tropical ponds with male res basking in numerous spots, or in London, Big Al's Aquarium Services on Wellington Road near Toys-R-Us, I guess they take adult turtles and have them in large tanks during the winter months and have a connection with local turtle keepers with ponds during summer months. And I think also in London there is StoryBook Gardens. I know they used to have a large pond of adult res. I believe they are donations from people who had their turtles outgrow them.

Also on a side note, In the pics on the first page of this thread, when you turtle has its eyes closed? Is there a reason for that? When my res was 4 months he had some kind of deficiency, like vitD or something. Anyways he had tumour like growths or swollen eye lids, and he got to the point where he couldn't open his eyes. I took him to the vet and he got some meds and recovered quickly. Just thought I'd let you know. Baby turtles should be alert and looking for danger but then again he could just be camera shy.:)
Big Al's sells them out again to other unsuspecting keepers,at least tho0se have been my experience with Big als and RES. They even sell the looney sized turtles at some locations. Which is fine, but they just don't breif buyers on the demands of adult RES.
Hmm, well thats no good.:( Ive only been to the one location in London. A few years ago when I moved out I took franklin "my turtle" and left Skippy and Bob "the family turtles" with my parents. My parents were looking at placed to get rid of them. And the places I mentioned are the best we discovered because they have ponds for RES of many sizes and seemed to know what they were talking about when we were in visiting. Long story short with my brother and I at university, Bob and Skippy, are my parents new kids and my parents have forgotten all notion of getting rid of them :p
It's sad people don't research the animal they are trying to keep alive. When we got the turtles way back in the day they were the size of quarters and looked neat with the fish, a few years down the road the fish are eaten and the turtles are around for another 75 years. I love reptiles so my RES's lucked out in the fact that i think there cute even when there big :)
One would read the label of a plant to see if it like lots of sun or not too much water, or too see if it an annual or perennial you would think a little background on a new pet would be a first thought. ie. their size and life span. It has been for me, ever since I was nine and got stuck with My RES for the rest of my life :cool: I'll love em' forever though :p
Also on a side note, In the pics on the first page of this thread, when you turtle has its eyes closed? Is there a reason for that? When my res was 4 months he had some kind of deficiency, like vitD or something. Anyways he had tumour like growths or swollen eye lids, and he got to the point where he couldn't open his eyes. I took him to the vet and he got some meds and recovered quickly. Just thought I'd let you know. Baby turtles should be alert and looking for danger but then again he could just be camera shy.:)
lol Don't worry he was only sleeping in that picture lol He slept quite a lot the first few days as, many baby new RES do (Some don't) Isn't it cute? That picture is about a year old as are most of the pictures on this thread ;)
Here's the address of the reptile humane society in Colorado.
Don't know how much help that is to you but perhaps if you contacted them they would have knowledge of local rescues in your area.

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