My cat ate my chameleon

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I was going to respond to hpc, but you did a better job. My response would have been much more harsh.
It is never inappropriate to be a proponent of good animal husbandry and caring about life. Sorry for your closed minded approach to life.

A respect for all life, well said. This is EXACTLY the kind of thought process that makes a senior member a senior member IMHO.
It IS irresponsible. You don't get a margin for error when life is involved and where there is a likelihood for error you need to put a fail safe in place.

Sorry but your wrong. How can you say its irresponsible if its an accident? Im sure he the OP didnt intend for the cat to eat the chameleon. I understand measures have to be taken to avoid it, but if that measure goes wrong, the OP is not to blame. Get off your high horse and come back down to reality. ACCIDENTS HAPPEN!!!
Sorry but your wrong. How can you say its irresponsible if its an accident? Im sure he the OP didnt intend for the cat to eat the chameleon. I understand measures have to be taken to avoid it, but if that measure goes wrong, the OP is not to blame. Get off your high horse and come back down to reality. ACCIDENTS HAPPEN!!!

Come on, lets think here. It happened the first time that was an accident. Second time is another mistake. BUT THREE TIMES. Now that is just ridiculous, obviously measures need to be taken to ensure the safety of the chameleons. If you dont take those measures you shouldnt own an animal like that. JMO
Come on, lets think here. It happened the first time that was an accident. Second time is another mistake. BUT THREE TIMES. Now that is just ridiculous, obviously measures need to be taken to ensure the safety of the chameleons. If you dont take those measures you shouldnt own an animal like that. JMO

And at what point was it mentioned that its happened 3 times?
oh oops. He made about three different threads about the same topic. He said that two of his chams got eaten in another thread
How about respecting other people's pet choices the way you wish people would respect yours? Is it really being proposed that people who respect animals other than chameleons shouldn't be able to be senior members?

As has been said, cats hunt. It's what they have evolved to do.

I would second the suggestion to secure any chameleon's enclosure to protect it from any predictable threats in the environment you have chosen for it. The cats don't take priority over the chameleon, but they need more room to thrive.

This thread has degenerated into something pretty disgusting.

To the OP, I'm so sorry for your loss. I hope you can find a way to keep the chameleon in a room the cats can't get into, and also secure the enclosure to ensure
a: it isn't easily tipped over.
b: if a cat jumps on top the top will hold.
c: the door is secured.
oh oops. He made about three different threads about the same topic. He said that two of his chams got eaten in another thread

Ah, if that is the case then I must apoligise to DanSB for my comments. I didnt see any other posts or threads about this so was under the impression this happened just once. If it has indeed happened 3 times, then I think the OP needs to give his/her head a shake and get his/her act together!!!
Because a chameleon is not also an evil predator who will also kill just about anything small enough to eat? Because you are not also a predator?

Hating animals and proposing cruelty in general leaves a bad taste in my mouth. I am okay with animals being animals and I don't hate nature and life like you obviously do. It is our responsibility as people who choose to keep animals to keep them safe and well cared for and retaliating against the cats is not only ignorant but selfish and cruel.

I have a low opinion of people like you and am not sure why I am even responding...

I agree with you indefinatly about being close minded and over all a Dumbs***... And disregard of the fact that animals are animals.. life is life wither its a flea or a human being.

Sorry but your wrong. How can you say its irresponsible if its an accident? Im sure he the OP didnt intend for the cat to eat the chameleon. I understand measures have to be taken to avoid it, but if that measure goes wrong, the OPe is not to blame. Get off your high horse and come back down to reality. ACCIDENTS HAPPEN!!!

I also agree with u benton accidents happen.
Plain and simple somethings are inevitable you can take precautions till ur blue.. accidents still happen daily..
Sorry but your wrong. How can you say its irresponsible if its an accident? Im sure he the OP didnt intend for the cat to eat the chameleon. I understand measures have to be taken to avoid it, but if that measure goes wrong, the OP is not to blame. Get off your high horse and come back down to reality. ACCIDENTS HAPPEN!!!

Accidents do happen I agree and I have not said the OP wanted their chameleon to get eaten and I really believe they would like to ensure it never happens again.

In order to ensure it never happens again they must take responsibility for their animal and not chalk it up to an "oopsy".

In my experience as an adult and self evaluating all the accidents in my life I have concluded that most if not all were avoidable by increasing my level of vigilance and self and situation awareness. This is a side side effect of modern western litigious culture where nothing is your fault and you're a victim.

I think it is sad and would like to see people in general take ownership of their lives and situations by paying attention and taking responsibility. By writing something off as an accident we absolve ourselves of guilt and remove our impetus to improve as humans.
if i remember from when the cham was lost/eaten the post stated that there was a good setup. they went to work and came home to the cage knocked over with a hole broken in it by the cats. (if this is that same poster that i am thinking of. and if its not then there is at least two people who have had the same problem) you cant really blame when its not their fault. things happen sometimes that cant be explained or helped.
i would say keep the cats away from the cage and everything at all costs.
accidents happen all the time. i had a fish die because my nephew wanted to "play" with it. so i should kill my nephew if i want another fish? i think not. perhaps a new and improved cat proof cage would be a good investment. but what you are saying is that just because they have a chameleon, cats should not be in the house... what about people with cats who also have birds, fish, dogs, mice, rats, snakes, etc... all animals are just that ANIMALS.

we wish you good luck and hope you figure out a way for all your (or your sisters) pets to live in harmony.
Oh, I read that thread but not all of it. Ok, so the OP has had this happen before. In that case, DanSB I apoligise. OP, get a F'ing grip!!!

No need to apologize I wasn't aware of that fact until just now!

I'm okay with a healthy debate and hold no ill will. :)
I'm going to be rude here and apologize in advance.

Cats kill things, It is what they do and they are very good at it. It is why we keep them, it is why they have quite literally made agrarian society possible for humans. If you like going to the store any buying bread say thank you to your cat. Food storage was difficult and a lot was lost before that cats showed up to keep rodent and pest populations down. Many attribute the spread of the plague in medieval Europe to a general hatred and extermination of cats at the time. If you don't believe me look it up it isn't exactly a secret. If you think we no longer need cats ask anyone who keeps a ranch or farm if cats or poison works better to keep pests out...

The take away here is cats kill things and that is why we keep them. (Some keep them because they are cute but they are mistaken, cats aren't cute they are badass killers who clear our disease spreading destructive vermin).

The party at fault here is YOU. Not the cat, not your sister, not the chameleon who escaped.

I keep a chameleon in a house with four cats and will be keeping more chameleons shortly. I have kept many cats with small animals and never had a problem because I follow one simple rule: Keep small animals in an area where the cats can't get to them, keep the enclosures closed and locked.

If you are the type of person who can't remember to close a cage or have the wherewithal to create an enclosure that is cat proof you should probably not have a delicate animal in your care.

If you can be observant and careful then you should own a chameleon and this will not be a problem again.

I agree, people really need to look in to the natural behaviour of an animal before getting them and be prepared to keep all animals safe. I had a cat in my house with chameleons for years and never had a problem with my cat eating them.
if i remember from when the cham was lost/eaten the post stated that there was a good setup. they went to work and came home to the cage knocked over with a hole broken in it by the cats. (if this is that same poster that i am thinking of. and if its not then there is at least two people who have had the same problem) you cant really blame when its not their fault. things happen sometimes that cant be explained or helped.
i would say keep the cats away from the cage and everything at all costs.
accidents happen all the time. i had a fish die because my nephew wanted to "play" with it. so i should kill my nephew if i want another fish? i think not. perhaps a new and improved cat proof cage would be a good investment. but what you are saying is that just because they have a chameleon, cats should not be in the house... what about people with cats who also have birds, fish, dogs, mice, rats, snakes, etc... all animals are just that ANIMALS.

we wish you good luck and hope you figure out a way for all your (or your sisters) pets to live in harmony.

Lock the door, pretty simple solution really. I have a 3 year old who loves my Chams. ATM I have 20 babies from Cap Est and she is obsessed with them and kept sneaking in there to "play" with them. What did I do?.... Bought a lock for the door so she cant go in without me present. It was really easy to do, took about 10 minutes without my cordless screwdriver. Does it work?...Of course it does guvnor'!!!
everyone is talking about cats , just train them to stay away from the cages . all you need is a spray bottle, everytime the cat goes by the cage spray them ,they will get the point after a number of times .I have cats and lizards for years ,yes some do get out of the cage when its locked , thats teir falt ,if they are not locking the cage then its the humans falt ,not the cat ,
Guys, I'm relatively new here so nobody knows much about me. I keep parrots, dogs, guinea pigs, cats and a newly acquired chameleon (all but one african grey are rescues) and while I am proof that animals can be safely kept in the same house I also know of a woman whose dog killed her bird in a freak accident, and yes it was an accident. She knows it was an accident, there was nothing she could have done but just because she knows it doesn't mean she doesn't feel responsible and doesn't feel guilty. She is one of the most conscientious owners I know but if she gave up after that one incident a lot of needy animals would be out of a home. Even the best of owners can have freak accidents happen no matter how hard they try.

A lot of people have missed that the OP came here looking for help to prevent this from happening again. Not too sure if that's the actions of someone flippantly buying pets or someone who is trying their best. Any chance of giving the benefit of the doubt until the forum has more information about what is going on?
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