Morio fail


So, I had about 500 morio worms in a big tub with wheat bran and oats. Today I opened it to check how are they doing and I was not happy with what I saw. Seems like a good few days ago I put pieces of carrot and parsnip in.. and happily forgot about them. Naturally all substrate got moldy, some worms died, others were near dying and it all smelled pretty bad. The weird thing is that I can't recall putting veg in there. I transferred the healthy looking ones into a new box with fresh oats and chucked out about a 100 which did not look good (the squishy ones and the ones which did not move like they supposed to). And my question is, is it ok to keep the others? Obviously I would not feed them off for a while, will wait till they poop everything out.. Also, if anyone has some tips for keeping them. I have not been keeping them for long, but I can;t say I ever had anything like that happening to them.
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Tough luck. Maybe try pulling a few out that you want to feed off the day before and place them in a separate bin?
I use a plastic lid from a Tupperware dish and that is what I put the wet food on, like fruit and veggies. I change that out daily or every other day. That way it doesn’t mold or get the dry substrate wet. For the dry substrate I use oats and my dry gutload.
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