Messy vent


New Member
I got my veiled chameleon a couple days ago...when the last time she pooped some of it got stuck and is still on her vent and that area. How should i clean it up with out bothering her? I know it is a stupid topic, but i don't wan't it to get into anything serious :confused:
If you have a spray bottle mister you could put it on "stream" and try to spray it off. You could wipe very gently with a damp cloth. Generally they do not get messy. They will "wipe" on branches, etc. to clean up.
i did try that thanks.I was able to get some off not all of it. He is still very small so it is hard. I think i might wait a while before i try again because she wasn't loving getting sprayed there lol
well he pretty much wiped the rest off himself. Im just glad that his poop is healthy, and he is also drinking/eating normally
You switch between he and she. Do you know the gender of your chameleon?

If your chameleon is female, a lay box may be needed if you do not already have one.
You switch between he and she. Do you know the gender of your chameleon?

If your chameleon is female, a lay box may be needed if you do not already have one.
lol to be a bit confused even though i know the males have the spur on the back of there back legs. If i post pics tomorrow could you help me out. Im stumped because i see something that could be a spur but its still very small, and im not sure if im just seeing things. One more thing as well. If it is a female what age do they start to lay there eggs because he/she is only about 3 months old
hmm! at 3 months you should be able to see little spurs for sure. i could when i got mine. post a pic and well know for sure
3 months is young unless you have been keeping the cage warm and feeding a lot. It's not unheard of for a female veiled to lay early.

Post a few clear pictures of the hide legs where the spurs should be and maybe one of the veiled itself.
pretty sure its a she

well pretty sure its a female now but here is the pics


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