New baby panther


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My guess is male.., I am also not an expert but I see a small bulge and reference back to the first pic color schemes leads me to boy.
I’m usually wrong btw- but I’m learning lol
I mean 50/50 chance so one of us is right lol
😅😅 he or she seems to be doing soo much better! She's eating great, I saw her drinking this morning. I also just for shits held up her feeding cup not really expecting it to eat from it, but she did!! No longer pacing the cage. I did manage to get the enclosure fixed... nothing at the bottom the moss vine stick things are out. Still working on the plants though which will also help out with the humidity. I can get the humidity up but only with a fogger on at night. We did manage to get the temps lower at night I may be freezing but as long as she's good right? Lol anyways when do you guys think is safe to take her to a vet? Is it even recommended? I just want to well 1. sex the chameleon and 2. get an overall picture of her health
That’s awesome!!! She sounds to be doing great. I would let her settle a week or 2 Maybe call the vet and get the appointment set. Just ensure they are familiar with chameleons or exotics. Sometimes normal vets see reptiles but don’t specialize. You also want a fecal exam, make sure poop has no parasites. I’m so excited for you all. Chams are amazing little creatures.
I tend to air on the side of caution with vet trips. So first off unless this vet really knows panther chams the chance of them giving you a correct gender is low. Second they are going to visually look the baby over... And again if they do not know what to look for then you may get incorrect info. The main thing about first getting a cham is honestly are they carrying a parasite load. This is where I recommend reaching out to your reptile vet and seeing if you can first just drop off a fecal for them to test. This way you are not stressing baby out for nothing. If the test comes back positive then you set up an appointment because to medicate with the right med for the specific parasite they need to see baby and get a weight. Some vets will do this but some will not.

Now visually with the few pics you posted baby is under weight. At this age they should be taking down 1/4 inch sized feeders and easily 2 dozen a day. Getting husbandry 100% on point and baby actively eating is first focus. Letting baby settle in to feel safe enough to eat is a major component before adding additional stress.
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