Merlin seems stressed


New Member
Chameleon Info:
Your Chameleon - Male veiled aka Chamaeleo calyptratus, about 2 years old.
Handling - Daily. He immediately comes onto my hand when I open the cage (he knows he's about to eat heehee) and for trips outdoors.
Feeding - 8-12 insect a day depending on size. 10 crickets, 12 mealworms, 8 discoid roaches or 8 superworms. Superworms and mealworms are gutloaded with calcium water gel and carrots. Crickets and roaches are gutloaded with water gel, carrots, dog food, and left over veggies from the humans.
Supplements - Feeders are dusted with calcium daily and with D3 every week or so.
Watering - Dripper and 2 misting sessions a day, soaking branches and plants. He HATES being misted even if the water doesn't touch him. The bucket that catches the drip run off helps with humidity. I see him drink ever morning. He isn't shy.
Fecal Description - Large brown feces, stiff but moist. Extra smelly. White/ cream colored urine.

Cage Info:
Cage Type - DIY screen cage. 48"X30"X30".
Lighting - 18" 5.0 UVB by zoomed and a 100w basking lamp. On at 9am, off at 9pm.
Temperature - Thermometers show 72 near cage bottom, 82 at the opposite side of the heat source, and 95 under basking area. The cage is in sunroom so the temps under the basking light fluctuate throughout the day. I know that the hottest it gets is 102 and the coolest is 89.
Humidity - Unsure of exact measurements. There is a humidifier in the room since this room is used for other reptiles that keeps it at 40% even out of the enclosure. I assume the drip bucket under the cage and misting does the trick.
Plants - 1 fake plant near basking area, a large pothos and a hibiscus.
Placement - A sun room aka "The snake room" dubbed by my family. There are many windows and no air vents. There is a ceiling fan that is left on. The only disturbances during the day is the dog being left out by my other.
Location - Central Florida.

Current Problem:
About three weeks ago I built my cham the current cage he is in now. I acquired a female and it was only right that he got a bigger cage and she inherit his old one. Well, ever since the transition he has been displaying stress colors while in his enclosure. I knew that a change like this is something he may have to become accustomed to, but after the first few weeks I became concerned and now here I am. A typical day starts with Merlin, the cham, being up when I get up for work. I turn his lights on, mist his cage, and fill his dripper. I treat the female the exact same. He looks a bit drab, but still colorful. He usually is this way before he warms up. (Now I know its because he's absorbing heat after reading many posts on this forum trying to figure the little man out). When I come home from work he is mud brown. like sloppy wet mud. When he is fed he becomes excited, crawls onto my arm for food and colors up nicely. He is this way when he explores the house as well. Within seconds of being back in his cage, back to brown. Then once he is asleep he is himself again. At first I thought he might be cold, or even too hot, but the temps are the same as before. When he is cold he seems more grey, not so brown. I thought maybe he felt exposed, not even coverage, so I moved his plants around ever few days and nothing really helped. He mostly avoids the plants unless to eat them. Also, I take him outside and he reallllly likes that. He becomes so active and so handsomely colored. Am I missing something?

Attached are some photos taken today. His enclosure, him unhappy in his enclosure, him during feeding, and him during a trip outdoors. Any and all input would be appreciated. It's so frustrating to think that he is unhappy and I can't help him. Thank you!!


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I say he does not like his new set up. Personally I would have plants way higher up in the cage and branches and vines intertwining inbetween them. You have the two plants low to the ground and he is a big guy. The pothos is not going to support his weight much and you have it sitting on the ground. I would find a way to hang the pothos or get some tall plants in there like a ficus that he can crawl around in. That is just my observation and opinion. I am just guessing, but seeing that he is only brown in the cage tells me he is not that happy.
yeh i reckon he could do with maybe a bigger plant perhaps maybe he doesnt feel like theres many places to hide and feels naked maybe? by the pictures you have shown though he definitely seems fine with other routines like you holding him and being out. Also might sound funny and strange but is he in view of his other cage he used to be in perhaps he can see it and doesnt like the fact he can see someone else in his old territory and theres nothing he can do about it?? you never know with chameleons :p
Thanks to you both for the replies. I have an umbrella tree that I could move into his cage. Maybe he'll be happy then. The other cage is across the room but I'm gonna cover the front side in his view with newspaper to see if that's the issue.

Also, I was wondering if anyone uses water conditioner in the dripper or mister. I have been using an all purpose water conditioner for fish and turtles.
Just want to quickly chime in here that he looks really close to his heat lamp. Check the temperatures where the TOP of his body rest underneath that lamp to make sure it is not too hot. Say you measured the basking spot temperature at 90*F, where the top of his body and casque are might be 110-120*F. I'd double check that to make sure he isn't getting overheated/ burning. Might be part of your problem.
safe h2o

You asked about water conditioner. go with distilled water. if you must use regular water: fill up the jug, leave the cap off, place under a cabinet or in closet for @ least 24hrs. this will allow the chlorine to evaporate. try to stick with the distilled or ro water.
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