Meet Allen


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I got a 6 week old veiled today and he is awesome! He actually hates being in his cage. He will crawl to the top and run around like a maniac but when I put my finger out he crawls right on it and just chills there. I have never seen a Cham do this. Well here is a pic tell me what you think.


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Luck in Temperment !

I had a very nice veiled cham named ELmo later Big Mo... I miss that guy ! I was lucky like you... veiled seem to have alot of personality either very mean or very shy , and sometimes they seem very people friendly. Lookin GOod !
I have Steve and now I have Allen! I love them both and I am spoiling them with leaves and trees and branches so hopefully they live a long happy life!!!
what a cutie!! cant wait to see how the both of them end up looking as adults! :) its so cool to see their colors develop as they grow up :D
I know! And this one is soooo nice and crawls right to me. I did what you told me and slowly put my hand to Steve and he put one foot on me then he ran. Later I tried it again and he hissed at me. So I will keep trying and continue to be patient. I just dont want him to grow up being mean and never wanting me to hold him and always trying to bite me. That is one of my fears
I know! And this one is soooo nice and crawls right to me. I did what you told me and slowly put my hand to Steve and he put one foot on me then he ran. Later I tried it again and he hissed at me. So I will keep trying and continue to be patient. I just dont want him to grow up being mean and never wanting me to hold him and always trying to bite me. That is one of my fears

keep up the hard work and definitely check out that blog, its amazing! and it will pay off :) you've got lots of time with him to earn his trust and he will get there! :D its good he put a foot on you and didnt just run, sign of improvement already!
That's what I thought too untill he hissed at me later on. I just wish he realized I don't want to hurt him but I absolutley see where he is coming from because I am like 100 times bigger than him. I will definatley keep trying every day.
yeah i would be scared too if i was a lil guy and these giant creatures were trying to hold me lol :) but they do get accustomed to it. thats the spirit!!
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