Marking eggs


New Member
Hi, I put a dot of ink on each egg for my yemen female to so as to know they were the right way up. It was a black ink piot pen. I was thinking afterwards, was this a bad idea? Could the ink go through the egg and cause damage?
ive never heard o f someone marking chameleon eggs. i do the same thing as you for my crested gecko eggs to make sure i dont turn them over but never heard about it for chameleon eggs.
Ink and Eggs

I have not used ink for marking eggs. However, a friend routinely
marks his gecko eggs with no ill effects.:)
i was switching a clutch of veiled eggs from one incubator to another and dropped the tupperware it was a mess if i had marked the eggs i would have known wich side was up . anyway i cleaned them up put them back and about 2 months later all but one hatched .i have them now 26 veileds that are about a month old now.
Relax you can mark them.. Breeders mark eggs of many reptiles with no ill effects.
I used a sharpy on over 500 eggs and they all did fine.
Julirs many breeders mark eggs so when trasnfering them they no which way is up or for other purposes. It's not like your coloring the whole egg for easter..:rolleyes:
The only reason I can see in marking eggs is that if you have an accident and drop them or towards the end of incubation the eggs will move or roll and the hatchlings could drown. In nature they wont roll because they are buried.
well glad to know there won't be any ill side effects. Just wonder if there's a study on this.
Well, the reason I did it was that a friend advised me to and I had seen him do the same. However, the ink looked a bit blobby even though I only put a spot on. I just wonder what would happen if any ink did get into the albumen....possibly nothing? I'll let you now what happens anyway... they may not be fertile anyway!
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Relax you can mark them.. Breeders mark eggs of many reptiles with no ill effects.
I used a sharpy on over 500 eggs and they all did fine.
Julirs many breeders mark eggs so when trasnfering them they no which way is up or for other purposes. It's not like your coloring the whole egg for easter..:rolleyes:

Lol may be people should try that! there could be the first Blue veiled! or Purple! :p:p JK JK, NO 1 TRY THIS! I DO NOT WANT ANY RESPONSIBILITY FOR MALTREATMENT! ha ha ha
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