male and female dubia nymphs


New Member
Is there a way to tell what sex the dubia nymphs are. I know what they look like when full grown. I seem to only have females and only few males.... I would like to save a few of my male nymphs so they can mature into breeders.

thanks... Amy

anyone I know someone has an answer Yes or No is there a way to determine male and female dubia nymphs...

Thanks a bunch
I just learned this aswell...

One day my cricket looked like a female, the next day he molted and had wings lol.

check out this thread, also shows pics to help you out.

Really? I thought you can tell by the shape of their abdomen not the size. Here are some comparison pictures.(sorry for the bad quality)The males have straighter abdomens compared to the wider abdomen of the fresh females. I am most likely wrong, but what pssh might be comparing is the older females which have larger abdomens then fresh females.i was wondering the same a few months ago, so i was looking at the dubias more and that is what i came up with. This is just an guess based on what i have seen. Please feel free to correct me if i am off on anything.:) Again i am no expert, but this is just based on what i have seen.


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There is quite a few ways, bottom most section of the abdomen is how I was taught. The female is larger, the male is smaller. Didn't know about the entire shape of the abdomen though. Helps a lot actually.
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