Malcolm's Growth Spurt


Avid Member
Hey Everyone! I got Malcolm the day after election day (two months ago). He was four months old and was a little ceiling clinging cutie:

Two months later, tripled in size, looking like this!




So fun watching these guys grow up :D
wow, Malcolm's colors are really coming in!!!!! he's really going to be a looker!!!! where did you get him from?
Wow! He's looking amazing! You have done really well by him, he was one of the smaller boys from that clutch but he has really caught up and dare I say passed some of the other boys in color :)
Thanks Caitlin, I definitely pamper him.. He is the best hunter of all my chams

Here is one of him tucking in for the night:

Sweet, he's looking good - and he looks like he'll look better before he's done too :) Clever boy Malcolm :D
Malcom looks beautiful and it is amazing the color transformation they make. I like his solid red tail.
Malcom looks beautiful and it is amazing the color transformation they make. I like his solid red tail.

Thanks Carol! His red tail cannot be done justice by the pictures, it is almost iridescent, like it is putting off a red light.

Yes, it has been such a treat watching him grow and change. His personality has undergone just as dramatic of a change. He has gone from scared to shy to now, the friendliest chameleon I have ever met. I had to go out and get him a big ficus tree to free range in while I do my nightly cage cleaning because anytime I open his door to clean he runs right on to me :)
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