Make chameleon forums better!


Avid Member
I believe the title says it all! What do I have to do is there a initiation process? I'll cut or kill whatever I have to...
I just think I could do some good here.
With great power comes great responsibility... and I want it...
Anyone know how that works.
This is the beginning of my campaign to be a moderator.... I promise to put up a wall where no cham neglectors will be aloud to cross into this great bless by God forum and I'll make them pay to build it! I will release my tax records, all my emails, or for that matter anything that is requested. Chameleon forums needs a new mistking and I want to be it. Vote for me and free banded crickets for everyone!
Well rambone...may I call u ramboner.. wat it takes I a strong man willing's kinda like that pocket watch :(
So where is the appropriate category for such a post
This post has already been moved to the lizard lounge. This forum is for threads that are not necessarily chameleon related. A big part of what we as moderators do is move threads to the correct category so searching is more accurate and precise. This post was originally in the general discussion forum. The rules do require threads to be posted in the correct forum, but we will often make adjustments.
This post has already been moved to the lizard lounge. This forum is for threads that are not necessarily chameleon related. A big part of what we as moderators do is move threads to the correct category so searching is more accurate and precise. This post was originally in the general discussion forum. The rules do require threads to be posted in the correct forum, but we will often make adjustments.
Oh okay I understand now lol
I guess it wouldn't make sense if you did not see it in the original location. There could have been a note saying it was getting moved along with the advice to post in proper forums. :)
Rule 1 of being a moderator: Don't post while drunk...
Rule 2 of being a moderator: Don't post while being under the influence of drugs...
Rule 3 of being a moderator: Be politically correct.

Can you do this?
There are other things a good moderator should do...
control sarcasm
use humor with moderation
be mature when others aren't
always remember that not everyone will "get" the tone of your posts when they are necessary. Not everyone here uses English as their first language, and you are dealing with all ages and backgrounds. Staying polite and straightforward will avoid misunderstandings and confusion. If you really need to express your personality it might go wrong very very fast.
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