Look what Santa brought me today


A 5 month old beautiful Nosey Be. Here's some pictures of her first day home. Check out that fat little belly, she's so cute, lol. This is her color, I didn't enhance it.




Thanks. I'm going to watch her closely, I hope not she's so little and young she's not been with a male. Any suggestions on special care, supplements for her just in case. I'll have a nest box ready if I see her digging. She's my first female so any tips/suggestions greatly appreciated. I don't want anything to happen to her.
The pink black colouration is a typical gravid signal, but if the baring fades when shes calm, and does not return when you show her a male panther, then the rosey pink means she is receptive and ready to mate.

Wild caught panthers come in gravid and smaller than her a plenty, and it ends up fine. Breeders might usually raise them a few more months though.

Nice lady.
Thanks, I'll give her a few days to settle in and see what happens. She's captive bred, born 7-19-08. I'm hoping she's just a plump little girl and stressed from traveling. She seems to be settling in.
Just fed her some crickets and she ate!!! She seems to be settling in well. I'm still going to watch her closely, how can I do otherwise she's so cute. I can't get anything done I keep peeking in to see how she's doing, lol.:)
MAN! gota love those nosy be females eh guys , i find there always much more colourful then most of the female locals , justa beaut you have there!
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