longest time taken for female to be ready for breeding


New Member
i have a female which was hatch around april 2013. till date she has yet to show any sign of breeding behavior or color.

so i was wondering from your experience what was the longest time taken for your female panther to be matured for breeding..

thank you...
On average it Takes about a year for a female panther to gain the size and strength needed to produce healthy fertile clutches and still live a healthy life herself. You can breed earlier but the stress put on the body can be very unpredictable because the chameleon is literally still growing and the body will be stealing needed nutrients for development of eggs instead of itself. Most females are sexually mature by 7 months but not a good idea to breed at that age/size.Your on the right track so be patient my friend. Grab some good literature and read up on the topic because not everyone is quick to divulge info on a subject that has taken them years to acquire through trial/error and good old fashioned research(homework). There are some "secrets" to triggering her to become receptive. Read up and expand your knowledge on panthers ecology, behavior, and reproductive cycles and before you know it you may have a few secrets of your own ;)
You should take comfort in the fact that she is slow to mature. It helps to ensure the possibility of a healthier cham who lives longer. I am a male, so i know my opinion is moot on the subject, but i don't think anyone wants to be just a baby machine. Especially 20-50 at a time, and then again 30 days later. That's just an incredible mom.
You should take comfort in the fact that she is slow to mature. It helps to ensure the possibility of a healthier cham who lives longer. I am a male, so i know my opinion is moot on the subject, but i don't think anyone wants to be just a baby machine. Especially 20-50 at a time, and then again 30 days later. That's just an incredible mom.

I totally agree with this, I know I wouldn't wanna keep poppin out tons of little ones every few months!! (Even if they are cute lol)
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