live bearers


New Member
Do live bearering females only drop when they have a clutch inside or are they like egg layers and drop evrytime they produce. do they start developing the young in them before they get fertilized or are they just opertinistic breeders.
Infertile eggs have nothing in them, they cant develop anything without a male. Well nothing but the yolk.
Live bearing females will drop out the sac whether it is fertilized or not. It does not look like the ones they drop with babies in them.
A couple times a year. Hard to say with exact time. It occurs similar time frames to females laying the infertile eggs. It really looks like a weird pile of feces or that is the best I can describe it. As long as you hear about it ahead of time you will know it when you see it.

My jackson is doing great. I just moved into a house a week or so ago. I am setting up a chameleon room and will take some pictures once I get them situated in there permanent location.
how often will they do this.

A couple times a year. Hard to say with exact time. It occurs similar time frames to females laying the infertile eggs.

I disagree. I think it depends on species. There are some ovoviviparous (live bearing) chameleons that are seasonal breeders, meaning they only breed once a year, like the werneri or goetzei and some that are not (breed many times a year) like the rudis and the xanths. Will my goetzei drop slugs more than once a year? Nope.

It really looks like a weird pile of feces or that is the best I can describe it.

Nope! Looks like a yellow pearl.

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