

New Member
Hello could you put led lights in the top of the screen enclosure to brighten it up a bit ?
No offense to any site sponsors. This is just my personal preference.

Freshwater aquarium LED fixtures are awesome!! They put out huge light, great for plant growth, and they are very slim and pleasing to the eye. This is what I have, and love it

Plant growth is through the roof since installing it. Easy to mount, adjustable feet, multiple settings (even though I just keep it at 6500k), stays cool, and very efficient.

However I will always go to Todd at Lightyourreptiles for any fluorescent fixtures.
Sorry no I don't sell the fixture in the UK but I do believe that Arcadia is starting to sell the Jungle Dawn LED's so you might be able to pick up a Jungle Dawn in UK.
Yes as mentioned soon you will be able to get the Jungle Dawn LED lights from Arcadia over here in the UK. I believe they are just doing the finishing touches to the packaging and they will be for sale.
Yes as mentioned soon you will be able to get the Jungle Dawn LED lights from Arcadia over here in the UK. I believe they are just doing the finishing touches to the packaging and they will be for sale.

Thats good to know i wouldnt mind making my boys viv a bit brighter
Do u know which website is going to sell them? So I can keep a eye out on it. Also would the LED lighting be to bright for his eyes and damage them ? Cheers
Arcadia Jungle Dawn® in UK! SOON!

Do u know which website is going to sell them? So I can keep a eye out on it. Also would the LED lighting be to bright for his eyes and damage them ? Cheers

Hi Mesh-
The Arcadia Jungle Dawn will be the cat's meow for adding supplemental light to the environment. :D

And I am glad you are interested in Arcadia Jungle Dawn, from what I am hearing, the buzz from across the pond is getting to be a fever pitch!

They should be available in about a few weeks--
But I will ask my contact at Arcadia today and we will find out for sure.

I would suggest that you may want to check in with your favorite pet shop that sells Arcadia,
or maybe call or e-mail e-mail your favorite online supplier in UK.
And ask as them when they expect the Arcadia Jungle Dawns in stock.
That way they can make sure they are on their supply lists to get them in stock as soon as they can be shipped from the Arcadia warehouse in Redhill.

Side note:

For those in UK & Europe reading this but are not yet familiar with the new Arcadia Jungle Dawn LEDs ---
They are good for the below reasons...
plus many more!;)

They do not run up the Electric Bill-
at either ONLY 9 watts or 13 watts-
you will get an amazing amount of light for minimal electricity.

They will not ruin the LOOK of your set up, like many inappropriate LED products will.
Especially those that are "too blue" or "too yellow" that wash out colors.
Cheep LED and LED of the wrong spectrum will make one's set up look most un-natural!

Adding excessive heat and wilting or scorching your plants.
They do not overheat your set up,
and that is why so many amphibian and dart frog folks like to use them too.
Many Zoos use Jungle Dawn LED on their displays as well.

They fit in a standard e27 socket
(the bases are just like a common light bulb, but ROTATE so they can be positioned! :))

Plus many more reasons. ;)

and don't worry,
they are not too bright they will absolutely not harm your animals eyes.
They have been on the market in the US and Canada for 3 years.
They have been continually tested and improved to create the product we have today.

I would certainly keep them positioned above / mounted over the cage--- and not mounted on the sides of the cage.
Mounting ANY lights on the side of the cage that would shine directly into the animals eyes is not good.
Because they would shine directly at eye level in the animals eyes :eek: -- and that is a bad idea regardless of what kind of light is being used... it gives me a headache just thinking about it!)

Cheers and thank you for your interest in Arcadia Jungle Dawn®

Most Sincerely,
Todd Goode
North American Arcadia Distributor

Pictures below taken 2 weeks ago on the packing line at the LED factory!
These are the Arcadia Jungle Dawns@ headed to UK and all of Europe.
Please keep an eye out for them at your local pet retailers.

Bilder unten vor 2 Wochen auf der Verpackungslinie an der LED-Fabrik übernommen!
Das sind die Dschungel-Arcadia Dawns @ ging nach Großbritannien und ganz Europa.
Bitte halten Sie ein Auge für sie bei Ihrem örtlichen Tierhändler.

Imágenes tomadas por debajo de hace 2 semanas en la línea de envasado en la fábrica del LED!
Estos son los de Arcadia Jungle Amanece @ dirigieron a Reino Unido y en toda Europa.
Por favor, mantenga un ojo hacia fuera para ellos en sus tiendas locales de mascotas

Photos ci-dessous prises il ya deux semaines sur la ligne d'emballage à l'usine de LED!
Ce sont les Arcadia Jungle Aubes @ dirigés vers le Royaume-Uni et dans toute l'Europe.
S'il vous plaît garder un œil sur eux à vos détaillants locaux pour animaux de compagnie.

Immagini qui sotto scattate due settimane fa la linea di confezionamento in fabbrica LED!
Questi sono i Arcadia Jungle albe @ diretti nel Regno Unito e in tutta Europa.
Si prega di tenere d'occhio per loro presso i rivenditori di animali locali.

Bilder nedan tagit två veckor sedan på förpackningslinjen vid LED-fabriken!
Dessa är Arcadia Jungle Dawns @ på väg till Storbritannien och hela Europa.
Vänligen håll utkik efter dem på din lokala sällskapsdjur återförsäljare.

Onderstaande foto's genomen 2 weken geleden op de verpakking lijn bij de LED-fabriek!
Dit zijn de Arcadia Jungle daagt @ koerste Verenigd Koninkrijk en Europa.
Houd een oogje op ze op uw lokale dierenwinkel retailers.



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    Arcadia JD.jpg
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Thats good to know i wouldnt mind making my boys viv a bit brighter

Hi Mesh!

I just got the word, straight from the Reptile Products Manager at Arcadia - John Courteney-Smith --
That the Arcadia Jungle Dawn® will be at the Arcadia warehouse around June 6th, and then they can start shipping them out to retailers and distributors all throughout Europe.

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