laying eggs?


New Member
someone posted the other day that a female can lay eggs without even being mated?????? how is that possible and how does that work?
actually even a chicken lay eggs without being mated.
It just that they won't hatch into baby chicks.
In captivity female chameleons will produce eggs even if they haven't been mated, however these eggs won't be fertilized and therefore won't hatch.
For as far as I know this has not been observed in the wild and I would be surprised if it does happen in the wild since it is a huge waste of energy and a huge risk for the female.
I think it happens in captivity because the animals are always well fed and even overfed, so maybe their reproductive system goes in overdrive. (very quick and dirty explanation of what I think is happening, but I hope it get's the point across)

actually even a chicken lay eggs without being mated.
It just that they won't hatch into baby chicks.
The reason chickens now lay unfertilized eggs on a daily basis is because of many centuries of selective breeding by farmers.
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