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Schneider's Skink actually. I got this guy over the weekend. Sorry I haven't posted him yet. I've been terribly busy as of late.


This guy is really neat. He hides under the sand at night and comes out in the am. So far I haven't been handling him much but from what handling I have done he is about as sweet as they come. I've read that they often turn to being jumpy/flighty after they acclimate. Hopefully he won't be too bad.

Right now he is housed in one of my spare 29 gals but will be moved when he gets bigger. ATM he's only 8" TL.

He is WC and so far acclimation has gone really well. He's eating both crickets and greens. I've already dosed him with the some of the anti parasite meds I got from the vet. err I can never remember what it's called. Starts with a P. The vet gave me a bunch of it when I took the Melleri in. He will go for a fecal in a couple of weeks when I take the Melleri back in.
Thats a neat lookin lil skink bro! Wheres it from (the species)? Dont think Ive ever seen one before.
Thanks, I've always had a soft spot for skinks. I miss my BTS and really really miss my prehensile tail. Had I known they would be next to impossible to find now, I would have never gotten rid of the one I had that actually lived.. The first was a really rough WC that didn't make it past acclimation.

They range from Northern Africa to Western Asia, Desert climate. Better known in the UK as Berber skinks.

This is the best website I've been able to find on them.
I've already dosed him with the some of the anti parasite meds I got from the vet. err I can never remember what it's called. Starts with a P. The vet gave me a bunch of it when I took the Melleri in. He will go for a fecal in a couple of weeks when I take the Melleri back in.

I'm guessing panacur? Sounds right :)

This is a cool little guy, I'd like to see how he grows!

That's it, thanks Jake. Now I have a point of reference to remind me what it's called lol!

Yeah me to, they get to a good size so he should be pretty impressive once grown.
Cool! Intresting they're egg layers too, not many larger skinks are. Says there that they will eat their own eggs in captivity (or atleast that one did), I guess you'd have to be really watchful. Will you get a female and give breeding a go? Apparently they're not much bred in captivity.
Eitherway its a nice looking skink. You might try garden snails if you can get them where there has been no baiting, most larger skinks love em! boiled egg too, but not too often, it makes the crap stink somethin awful :D
Joe, I'm going to leave the breeding thing open. Just ATM my breeding interest are all over the place. I'm going to wait and see what all I end up working with before I decide if I wanna give it a go with this species. Good news is they live up to 20 yrs so I have time to decide.
Cool! Our pet store has the Schneider's and the blue tongues with some regularity; they can get pretty big.
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