Killer ants!!!


New Member
Jesus! every other week i have an onslaught of ants attacking my livestock!

They got into my superworms 3 days ago and killed about 75% of them. I put the remainder which was about 10 of them into a cup and left them on a table. Also took out 20 butter worms.

Today I get home and find out they have killed about 40 crickets I just bought on Sunday. I spray raid all over and looked for the opening and sprayed the living hell out of it. this is the 4th time this has happened.

Then I look inside my dubia colony and they started attacking them! I transferred them to another container and sprayed them. They didnt kill any of them(thank god).

I just got back from ralphs and bought some vasaline to keep these little bastards away from my feeders!!

damn them!

just wanted to rant.

Try using raid ant baits. They work really, really well and are very cheap. It just fixed my ant problems within days.
Try using raid ant baits. They work really, really well and are very cheap. It just fixed my ant problems within days.

I tried using this. I think my ants are smart. LOL so I just spray the living crap out of them.

idk but I'm battling with odorous house ants. When you squeeze them to death, your finger kinda smell like rotten coconut. they don't react well with bait. So, i use bugstop on the outside of my container.
the teflon paint layers make it impossible for the ants to climb.

Nice. Im going to try that if the vaseline gets nasty.
here is the problem with insecticides in which are ingested into their targeted prey, when they ingest poisons, then die anywere your feeders are, your feeders may feed on them, so imagine a dose in 3-4 dead ants, NOW those 3-4 ants give a more concentrated dose, 3x what it took to kill 1 ant cause of how that works, so now maybe your feeders don't die right away, and you feed 10 of those feeders that have ingested 3x the amounts of poisons. its kinda like a doubling chain effect.

natural solutions to your insect problems are always the best choice.
I had horrible problems with red, black, and sugar ants, the solution is INCREDIBLY simple and youll go "DUH!!" when you hear it.

What I did was I bought a large tub, filled it a little with water, and put my feeders containers in the tub. simple and harmless (unless your an ant thats still trying to get in) ;)
Ack! I despise ants....6 legged demons. We've battled carpenter ants. Big mothers that have slaughtered zillions of crickets on me. I found the best way to deal with them is to do the same as Lizard Lover. Give them a moat. I have a large, shallow rubbermaid with a bit of water. I just stack all the feeders on top of them.
I have a big rubbermaid tub. Im going to try the vaseline and if that doesnt work im going to try that product that Frans suggested.

If all else fails, imma hire a pest control company to get these guys gone!
but your self a thorny devil. that will solve the ant problem ;) (p.s. its a lizard that loves ants)
Thats the lizard that squirts blood from its tear duct right?

No, molochs dont do that, your thinking of Horned lizards (Phrynosoma)


thorny devil

This species only eats a specific species of ant anyway, making it all bar impossible to keep them anywhere outside its local without culturing its ant species aswell (and in a huge way too). Otherwise Id be breeding them! :)

A product called fluon is great for such purpouse, very effective on verticle surfaces. Never had a problem with ants in insect colonys. :)
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Jo, Horned Lizards are often called Horny (Toads), Thorned etc., Thorny, whatever.

It's a common mistake (at least where I live). :D

I want one so bad.
Yeah Exactly Syn, common names, like Horned/horney toad, thorny devil etc are just confusing and should be avoided in most cases Imo. :)

I want one so bad.

A blood squirter? You like the freaky ones huh? Your a strange and amazing young girl Sabrina, I wish I met girls who liked wildlife
when I was younger! Some young dude is gonna think all his xmas's have come at once one day! :)
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I want a thorned devil toad. :rolleyes:

As for the ants, try pepper, baking soda, diamasomething earth.

edit: diatomaceous earth FOOD GRADE
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