Kelvin Progress


Established Member
Kelvin, my Blue-bar Ambilobe, is about a year old now. I purchased him from the Kammer's at last years Reptile expo in Sacramento. Needless to say, I am extremely proud of the beautiful chameleon he has become and I couldn't be happier with my purchase! He was sired by Kelly Akandro. Hopefully within the year, Kelvin will become a daddy himself!



Awesome Ambi! He looks almost exactly like the Kammer's breeder Sun Tiger who I was admiring yesterday. Very nice!
Kelvin is going to be an uncle to 27 or so hatchlings soon. His sister bred with one of my males. Good to have a refernce to the females side :)

He looks good!

Thats awesome news, Jake! I can't wait to see how your little guys turn out! I am currently in the market for a female for Kelvin- with genes this good, it would be a shame not to breed him.:) Thanks again for the awesome feedback! Kelvin is going to be one proud uncle!

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