Juvinile veil chameleon not opening eyes


New Member
Hi I have had my baby veil since May 9th 2016. He has been very active and healthy looking up until this past weekend. I have noticed that he started to keep his eyes closed for a long period of time. But every so often he would kind of squint his eyes trying to see. He used to eat 5 crickets a day and from the time this has started he would only eat one when he will try to keep his eyes open. Now he hadn't ate for the past couple days.. Today was the only time I got to see him open his eyes and right away put the cricket cup in front of him to see it he then managed to flick his tongue out but he missed and it fell in his cage I grabbed the cricket again but now he's keeping his eyes closed again :( I really don't know what to do right now. It is very frustrating for me I have been giving him showers and also gave him a few drops of water through a syringe to try to make sure he keeps hydrated. I have a 75watt basking light and a 18in reptisun 10.0 bulb in his cage. I have also been taking him outside everyday for a few hours to get some natural sunlight. If anyone can please give me some advice I would really appreciate it! I am trying my best to help my lil guy..,
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