ISA my Veiled
New Member
Hey guys, I had some questions real quick because my real good friends have a pair of Jacksons Chameleons that they pair together in the same cage and the male that they saved from petsmart, and when I say saved I mean this guy was severely dehydrated, malnourished and just in awful condition. Well my question are about his feet. He has these "Club feet" I mean where his outter toes are they are literally one big club. I was looking at him today closely and noticed he also has stuck on shed on top of it and it is rock solid. And he also has a few bumps on him. Otherwise he is perfectly healthy and living well, I just wanted to know what his problem was. I was considering buying him off of them because I want a Jacksons but obviously I don't want to buy a sick animal and have him die
I have some pictures but I gotta wait until this movie is over to upload them or my girlfriend will not be happy
its Django.. heard its good lol But anyway please let me know! It would be so very appreciated!