Jacksons Problem

ISA my Veiled

New Member
Hey guys, I had some questions real quick because my real good friends have a pair of Jacksons Chameleons that they pair together in the same cage and the male that they saved from petsmart, and when I say saved I mean this guy was severely dehydrated, malnourished and just in awful condition. Well my question are about his feet. He has these "Club feet" I mean where his outter toes are they are literally one big club. I was looking at him today closely and noticed he also has stuck on shed on top of it and it is rock solid. And he also has a few bumps on him. Otherwise he is perfectly healthy and living well, I just wanted to know what his problem was. I was considering buying him off of them because I want a Jacksons but obviously I don't want to buy a sick animal and have him die :( I have some pictures but I gotta wait until this movie is over to upload them or my girlfriend will not be happy :D its Django.. heard its good lol But anyway please let me know! It would be so very appreciated!

pics would be great whenver the movie is done!!

i have no idea what could be causing this but am interested to hear what it may be from other more experienced members :) so im bumping the thread :)

i would also tell your friend even though they are oftentimes housed together in petstores, chameleons are very territoral and should not be put together except to breed. the exception to this is pygmies as they can live in a small female dominant group. having other chameleons housed together can cause stress, lead to sickness, and one becoming more dominant and hurting or stealing all the food from the other. if your friend plans on keeping both of them i highly recommend seperating them as soon as possible for both of their health!!
pics would be great whenver the movie is done!!

i have no idea what could be causing this but am interested to hear what it may be from other more experienced members :) so im bumping the thread :)

i would also tell your friend even though they are oftentimes housed together in petstores, chameleons are very territoral and should not be put together except to breed. the exception to this is pygmies as they can live in a small female dominant group. having other chameleons housed together can cause stress, lead to sickness, and one becoming more dominant and hurting or stealing all the food from the other. if your friend plans on keeping both of them i highly recommend seperating them as soon as possible for both of their health!!

Yeah I know all of that, I've talked to them but no use really. They don't have any problems so far in the almost a year they have had them. But hey, can't really tell them how to run there show I guess. But yeah I'm going to post the pictures in a moment here!
Here are some of the pictures, you can see on his feet what I am talking about, its mostly on the back but some of his front feet are like that. You can see the sort of "Club foot" I was talking about, let me know what you think. And sorry if the pictures are bad, I grabbed him from his cage and took him out there while they also took there Sulcatas out to eat some grass lol so again my apologies if the pictures stink.


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well those aren´t verry good pics, but the best is to go to a vet

You can see it the best on his foot that is on my shirt. I know they aren't good pictures but I couldn't get him to sit still to save my life. If you look closely though and try to see it, he doesn't really even have individual toes.. its just one big clamp. And for the vet part, it isn'y my chameleon so nothing I can do about it unless I buy him and the female from them. In which case I don't want to spend $150.00 on a pair of chameleons that I want but yet I don't really have the space.
Sometimes if their toenails get pulled out or injured they will get an infection there. I may heal on it's own but leave residual scar tissue there. I had this happen in the past.

Just guessing though as the pictures aren't that clear.
I can't really tell anything from the pictures unfortunately since they're so blurry. Like Action Jackson said, if the toenails are pulled off an infection can form in the toes, which will cause swelling. If this is the case they should be taken to the vet for antibiotics because if the infection spreads to the bone of the area it can become very serious very fast.
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