Jackson Chameleon not eating


New Member
I have a New Jackson Chameleon who I’ve had for two weeks. He isn’t eating at all and I’m very worried. I feed him crickets and I’ve tried both letting them run around and the cup method. Yes my humidity and temperature are all accurate. Please please Help!
The cage isn’t by a vent or fan it is close to a window but definitely doesn’t get direct sunlight.
Have you tried any other prey items? Superworms are usually pretty good at breaking a hunger strike in Jackson's but can become addictive.
He looks dehydrated judging by his sunken eyes or he's just reacting to the camera. Work at giving him long mistings. People seriously underestimate the amount of water it takes to keep jackson's healthy.
Ok I’m going to the store right now to get some meal worms and wax worms and to get a dripping system. Also Thanks
Don't get mealworms they are hard to digest if that's all you can get don't feed very many they are hard to digest. Get superworms if you can.
You said..."The cage isn’t by a vent or fan it is close to a window but definitely doesn’t get direct sunlight"...I wasn't concerned about the cage not getting direct sunlight....I'm concerned about cold drafts this time of year...where do you live? You didn't mention the basking temperature either.
So I got a drip system going and got some super and wax worms. We tried to feed him with tongs but he seemed to have no interest in it so we decided to put a few wax worms in a small bowl on a branch and he wasn’t eaten any yet. What am I doing wrong please help!
Yes I do have a UVB light and yes all the lights are off at night. Is the basking temperature mean the temperature closest to the lamp?
Ok so I bumped up the temp and got wax and super worms I’ve tried to offer both of them and he hasn’t had any interest. The drip system is running but he still isn’t eating please help
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