Jack the nosy be

Hahahaha! I feel you! I feel like my veiled is the same way, the other chameleons flat out hate me or just tolerate me when I have food.
Yup! Same exact situation here😂, how’s the parsons attitude?! Honestly never heard of they were aggressive or not
Yup! Same exact situation here😂, how’s the parsons attitude?! Honestly never heard of they were aggressive or not
They are pretty calm in general. From what I know they give kind of a calumma stink eye but that’s about it for the most part. My guy is still pretty shy so we will see how he does when he gets older. :)
They are pretty calm in general. From what I know they give kind of a calumma stink eye but that’s about it for the most part. My guy is still pretty shy so we will see how he does when he gets older. :)
That is so cute🥹 he is such a cute guy I’m so glad you got him!
I tried to weigh my big boy with no success (he started to climb up my shirt lol) but enjoy these pictures of him 😁
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