is this a burn?


New Member
hello i just got my chameleon Morrison on monday he has a healthy appetite an open air cage and a mini zoo med deep dome light combo, it all came in some kit at petco. anyways i thought morrison may be getting cold through out the day so i put a small 50w heat lamp that i had on my snakes tank on his cage, and i think it may have burned him i attached a photo of his possible burn


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My male veiled had a burn on his tail when I got him. Small dark patch on his tail stays dark colored and looks like one big scale. It gets smaller and smaller as he grows.
If you're talking about the white spot on the casque it could be a burn but that looks like a female not a male. Check the back of his back feet for little bumps if there are spurs then it's a male no bumps it's a female
he has the little spurs and i was talking about the weird discolored spot between his front and back legs on his side :( also he puffs his chin out alot, does this mean anything.... hes my first chameleon so im worried about him :/
he has the little spurs and i was talking about the weird discolored spot between his front and back legs on his side :( also he puffs his chin out alot, does this mean anything.... hes my first chameleon so im worried about him :/
Lol they puff because a lot of them have a not so friendly nature. He may get use to you over time, but I have a friend with a Veild and he always puffs and hisses. BUT he does occasionally want to walk out onto her arm to go adventuring. He doesn't look burnt at all. And I highly doubt a 50 watt bulb would burn him unless he is directly up in it. He looks very plump and healthy too :)
How far is his basking spot from the heat source? And do you have sitting directly on the cage? Are you checking the temp of the basking spot?
Also do you have a 5.0 UVB bulb?
yeah its the reptisun 5.0 bulb the skinny one with two prongskind of and a the other is a small blue bulb not sure what kind tho :/ i thought he was getting too cold and put this other small light i have on the top of the cage ill attach a pic of it


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I definitely think he may have gotten too hot :( his basking spot is pretty coles to the top


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Word of advice, you are going to hate clean up with all that stuff at the bottom of his cage. Take that branch at the bottom and use push pins to poke through the screen and into each side of the branch to give him more climbing space. Make sure no areas he can get to are super close to the bulb. So take all that foliage and just shift down a few inches or so.
Also, he needs real plants. Pothos is very cheap and is very durable. You Cana take a plastic shower liner and wrap around the cage to keep up humidity. I also always recommend a dripper as a constant water source so you don't have Bacteria festering. I think I see you have a waterfall. Those are terrible for harboring bacteria.
And Home decor has hand pressure misters for about 8$ and those will save you slot of time misting his cage. I have an automatic mister, but I know that isn't always affordable at first. Save up for one, I highly recommend that as well. Mistking is awesome.
yeah i plan on removing the substrate, and waterfall (they make it seem like such a great idea on the box) and also getting alot more vines and a live plant in there aswell. also do u think i should rig some type off food bowl to the side of the cage where he likes to sit he eats probably 4-5 crickets throughout the day and i put a few meal worms in his dish at the bottom if the cage but he never goes down there
yeah i plan on removing the substrate, and waterfall (they make it seem like such a great idea on the box) and also getting alot more vines and a live plant in there aswell. also do u think i should rig some type off food bowl to the side of the cage where he likes to sit he eats probably 4-5 crickets throughout the day and i put a few meal worms in his dish at the bottom if the cage but he never goes down there
I made one. I think it's a little easier to contain some of them. You will have the little escape artists.
so i have removed the substrate, and waterfall. i also got a big pothos plant at the bottom of the cage now and a dripper that drips onto the plant! I've already noticed he drinks way more water off of his plant than he ever did from the waterfall. also i got the pressurized mister which he really seems to like. no more little heat lamp either i really do think it burnt him, but hes been a lot more active since the new stuff in his cage!! i also move his cage infrot of a large open window when its nice and warm out. it gets about 85 which he really seems to enjoy! so thank you all for the feed back i think my little Morrison is much happier now!
so i have removed the substrate, and waterfall. i also got a big pothos plant at the bottom of the cage now and a dripper that drips onto the plant! I've already noticed he drinks way more water off of his plant than he ever did from the waterfall. also i got the pressurized mister which he really seems to like. no more little heat lamp either i really do think it burnt him, but hes been a lot more active since the new stuff in his cage!! i also move his cage infrot of a large open window when its nice and warm out. it gets about 85 which he really seems to enjoy! so thank you all for the feed back i think my little Morrison is much happier now!
Great job! I would still add more horizontal branches at varying levels. He needs to have lots of options at and pathways to thermoregulate himself.
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