Is she about to lay eggs? :o


New Member
Hi everyone!
Today, I saw that my oustalet female had digged a hole, so I don't know if it means that she is about to lay eggs. I dont know exactly how old she is, she is not an adult yet, she measures 11 inches in length. Me and my boyfriend got her only a week ago and after doing some research I saw that it might be that. We put an a bin filled with sand at the bottom of her terrarium which is 15x6x10 inches. Could you tell me if she is about to lay eggs and if we should do anything more?
Also, we covered the front and sides of her terrarium with a towel so that she doesn't see us while trying to dig or lay eggs leaving the top uncovered for ventilation.
Thank you in advance !!!
Also, how do we know if she had laid eggs or not as she will be covering them? For how long should I keep the bin in her terrarium? And how do we know if the eggs are viable since we just got her? Finally, should I feed her tomorrow morning as usual or should I leave her alone?
I am new to all this and does not know what I should do.
Your help will be greatly appreciated, thank you!
If she's digging a hole in the sand in the bin then she is quite likely going to lay eggs if she's sexually mature.

If she lays eggs she should be thinner after laying them.

If she's. In the branches in the morning you can feed her but don't leave any extra/uneaten insects in the cage.

Post a photo of the eggs when you dig them up and we may be able to tell if they are fertile. Fertile eggs are very white and usually larger than infertile ones.

I leave an egglaying bin in the cage all the time for any sexually mature female egglaying chameleon.
She first digged a hole in her cage yesterday night and since then we have set up her laying bin, but she has done nothing so far. Sometimes she will go on top of the sand without doing anything special. When should I start to be worried about her not laying her eggs?
If she becomes lethargic and sits lower in her cage or if her eyes sink in.

Thank you for the info!

But she still has'nt laid her eggs, she digged the hole on friday and she had been scratching her walls, but she never stopped eating like most people say she would do. Everytime I give her food she goes directly to it and she eats it. I dont know if it means she is not ready yet. How long can it take her to lay her eggs after starting to scratch? :confused:
There's a difference between scratching and digging a hole....did she actually dig a deep hole or just move the dirt on the surface around?
So she hasn't done any real digging since Friday?
Did she fill the hole in?
Did she see you watching her when she was digging?
Not all of them go off their food. It may depend on how many eggs they are carrying.
So she hasn't done any real digging since Friday?
Did she fill the hole in?
Did she see you watching her when she was digging?
Not all of them go off their food. It may depend on how many eggs they are carrying.

No, she hasnt done any real digging since friday. When I got home and went to mist her on friday, I just saw a hole in the corner and she was standing next to it, so no she didnt fill it in. I hope I didnt interrupted her, since then we put her laying bin and covered the cage and we have been opening the cage only to feed her in the morning. We leave her alone for the rest of the time, misting only by the top. Also, I find she doesnt really look big like other female chams I have seen. I dont know if they all look really big just before laying
I forgot to mention that she had gotten to the bottom of the substrate so it might be the reason she had stopped digging.
Here are some pictures of her that I took this morning while she was eating standing half on the branch half on the laying bin. It might help you to tell me if she looks gravid. She still has'nt done any digging since friday, she is still eating and drinking and her colors are the same since I got her.
Thank you in advance


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Here is another one because my phone won't let me post more than a picture at a time


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