Is Anyone Serving?

Well it's official, my brother Adam is off to the Army tomorrow. He is going to prep. school for one month, then to 6 months of basic training. I wont see him for seven months, and its kind of crappy to think about that aspect of it. I'm proud of him though, and I'm sure he will thrive etc. It's going to take some getting used to since I have seen him every day for the past few months.

He is joining the ARMY Rangers. Let me know if anyone else is serving, or if you are :)

Thanks for...Listening :)

Hubby was in the Navy and his Dad was an Army ranger- long ago- Vietnam. Be very proud of your brother as he stands for all of us.
Well, his life is going to suck...


all that hell just to be the "new" guy at Ranger bat.

The two guys i know who joined the Army to be a "Ranger" never actually got to ranger battalion. They both got hurt and ended up in a airborne infantry unit.

Im just about to hit my eight year mark in the Army.

SSG Aird
Im in canada,

But my teacher in school is a General, he is the one that teaches Basic training.

He has been asked to go to afghanistan, but decided not to, because he now has a wife and kids.

My other teacher also is a basic trainer, they work together

My papa was in the war, not sure what position he was, he had a army bag that he held everything with him, gun, everything, and he marked down everywhere he went to war, and he lost 75% of his hearing from being to close to a Grenade. he is now past, from cancer, died at 74 years old.

Thats about it for my family/friends

God bless your brother, and all the people that went / are going to serve ours and your country.


My dad was in the Navy for 30 years - he retired after 23 years and went back in a year later. He was a true military man at heart. My brother has just retired from 20 years in the Navy too. God Bless every person that gives their lives and service to our country, and God Bless America!!
Whenever I meet someone who served US! As in you and me. I make sure I tell them I appreciate them. EVERY time, it's the same response," Thanks, there's not too many people who appreciate us anymore"... It's sad, and disgusting.

They are our brothers, sisters, sons, daughters, friends and relatives, yet people make them feel demonized when they come home:(
My older brother who is 28 now has been in the service for 10 years now. But in the navy

And one of my friends who is 23, has been in the airforce for almost 2 years now.

From both of them, they love it....

And hope your brother fits with it

Best of luck to him!
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