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Hi all, I have been stalking for a while on here and have only just registered an account because I can’t see most of your pictures :p

My name is Giselle and I think I could be a chameleon-aholic. I have been doing lots of research on keeping them and I just wanted to throw my idea around to get some feedback.

I have been keeping green tree pythons for the last 3 years but I want something new so here I am.

I am looking at keeping veiled chams

Enclosure : Exo Terra Terrarium – 24 x 18 x 24 (l x w x h) Now I know most people sware by screen cages but I don’t want them. I have been using modified exo terra cages for my snakes with no hassle. Plus I like them, they are easy to clean (they are all drilled and have taps which lead into the garden for when I wash them out) and they will fit in with all my other cages. ;)

Lighting – 2 x T8 5.0 ub globe

Heat – I was trying to find the best source of globes, I personally prefer ceramics due to the fact they are long lasting but many people seem to lean towards basking lamps or house globes. Can I just use a ceramic that is on a thermostat or do they need a actual bright light source?

Internal habitat – I was thinking of setting it up just like my green tree pythons but with a lot more climbing space. I use a lot of plastic plants (I don’t own silk plants) and I am more than happy to purchase more. I also have lots of smaller braches that I used for my neonates (snakes).

I was hoping I could not bother with a dripping bottle but I have a spare exo terra monsoon that I can use. Would anyone still suggest a dripping system if I have a monsoon in place?

Substrate would be just some reptile carpet (I own lots of this stuff) suitable? or do they have little nails that could get caught in the loops of the carpet?

I will also add a live plant, so they can have that option too.

Also, how do Veileds go with feeding giant mealworms? (ZOPHOBAS MORIO) I breed them for my lizards I am also happy to start breeding woodies if that is better.

My basic GTP has a false bottom to help keep the humidity up, should I bother doing this for the chams too?

Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated and I look forwards to looking at more pictures and annoying you all soon!
You can use a ceramic bulb. The UVB bulb will be fine as the Light source. You can use an exo terra monsoon. I just spray my cage 3 times a day to let my Cham drink and to keep up humidity. Reptile carpet is fine, I use it. I would not use mealworms for a chameleon. They are not a good staple food to them. I use crickets and roaches. I also read on the forum from other people that u can use butterworms as a staple. Don't forget to give your chameleon dusted feeders. They should be dusted everyday with calcium powder without phosphorous and D3, and once a months dust them with calcium powder with D3 and a multivitamin.
Wow, I have to say, you seem a lot more prepared than I was when I got my first cham. Good for you. There are, however, a few things that you may wish to look into:

Exo Terra's work, and I see nothing wrong with using them for chams, but you should get something that's a little taller. If you still wish to have the Exo Terra's then I would say to get the extra tall styles, 3', and I don't know all the models but if they are at least 2'x2' that would be a bit better as well. I know those 3' tall models are expensive but you really should have something taller than 2', and most people wouldn't keep an adult male Veiled in anything less than 4' tall. Females are more commonly kept in something like 18"x18"x36". And when you say that they're drilled, are you stating that you have it set up like a drainage system? If so that's good because a drainage system really helps from a lot of misting, and I would mist more if you don't have a dripper(I have a male Veiled and I only use a dripping mechanism every now and then, and haven't used for a while, but I do use a Monsoon System, and he isn't perfectly hydrated with his eyes bulged out, but he is by no means dehydrated).

As far as you're lighting/heating situation, I don't know if it would be bad to just use a ceramic along with your other light fixtures, or if you really do need a house hold light bulb or basking bulb. I use a house bulb, and you may wish to do the same until you know for sure if replacing a light bulb with a ceramic is ok.

For you're interior layout all seems well. Just be sure that you use a safe plant, and that you provide lots of highways. Also for the reptile carpet, they do have small claws that might could get tangled in the loops, but I have seen other people use this stuff and it worked fine for them, so it's your call.

Superworms (Zophobas morio) is a good feeder, but you should try to keep a varied diet to prevent hunger strikes and to allow them to have other feeders with different nutritional values. Look into roaches, or crickets if you can stand the smell or find ways to prevent it, as well as other feeders and let the supers and other feeders compliment the roaches.

Check this out: https://www.chameleonforums.com/how-many-feeders-78659/. It shows many different types of feeders.

I wouldn't bother with the false bottom JMO. If you spray enough, which you will have to to keep them hydrated, and have the live plant, it will stay plenty humid in an Exo Terra.

Hope all this helps, and feel free to ask any more questions :)
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