I'm getting a dubia roach colony.


Avid Member
So I'm curious - I know you can keep them in large plastic containers - but how do you clean up after them?

I heard males can climb, so I need a lid..

I'm sure there are like 30 other threads about this but I can't find them, I'm not good at search words hehe.

So, I live in Arizona, it's dry, not humid, temperatures fluctuate a lot..

Well, I guess that's all I can think of to say.
None of them can climb really, the males can supposedly fly, but I've never seen it (I'm not saying they can't, but if they can, they probably only do it under uncommon circumstances). Either way, I'd put a lid over anything. If you've owned any creature for any amount of time, you know that if there is an escape route, they will eventually find it!

As far as cleanup, their poop is not reactive and they actually like to live in it. It doesn't really stink either ... I mean it has a smell when you get close to it, but it doesn't really bother, like say cricket stench. I clean my bin only after several months.

I don't mist or anything, but I live in Florida. They can SURVIVE in lower temps temporarily, but they definitely won't breed in the cold and the warmer it is, the more they'll breed.
Good thing I live in Arizona, glad I don't have to clean it out that often - saves me a lot of time and worry. Yuck!
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