If you give a mouse a cookie...Swyft will eat it.

So I got Swyft, he came with his own cage. Cool! Come to find out he had pretty much outgrown his cage, it must have been his baby cage. No problem, upgraded cage.

Bought him a hibiscus for outdoor time. He quickly decided that sitting on a hibiscus was not entertaining enough. Yikes! What an explorer! I decided I was not ready for outdoor time with such an energetic chameleon. I bought him a Schefflera tree for the house.

He loves the tree, LOVES IT! Next thing I know I'm building him a bridge from his cage to the tree and he immediately figures out how to use it.

Then, a bridge from the tree to the top of the bookshelf because he keeps trying to get to the bookshelf by hanging down by only his tail, scaring me to death!

Then from the bookshelf to the other shelf above my computer, because he keeps hanging precariously over the edge of the bookshelf to get to that shelf.

Ok seriously, THAT was not enough, he then spots the bookshelf top on the OTHER side of the computer shelf and wants over THERE too!

I need a huge gerbil trail of tubes for this guy, sheesh.

(for those of you not understanding the title, If you Give a Mouse a Cookie is a children's book)

So, just curious, will he ever be satisfied or not until he would be given an entire rainforest jungle to explore?:p
omg! I was laughing at your story cause you sound like me! I let my cham out on my patio in a hibsicus tree for some sun. It was great at first, like wow a new place and he totally loved it. Then it was like gotta climb the screen walls of the patio now, like one giant cage, so connect the plant to the screen somehow. Then next thing I know I am setting up places for him to walk back and forth to the hibiscus and adding another plant and making a bridge for him to back and forth etc, etc. etc. Next is the outdoor cage(which I gotta talk hubby into building)...so to answer your question~ no!!! LOL!
Hahahahaha...I enjoyed your story..same as mine and yeah the answer is no to your question. I have a male Jackson's and he now free ranges in my living room because no matter what setup he has had it has never been good enough or has kept his attention long enough..so no it will never end..LOL!!! That's why we love our chams so much because they are soooo much smarter then what we give them credit for...our world is their play area so just enjoy...LOL!
That's not what I meant...its a kids' book....did you read it as a child or how do you know about it?

LOL oh! All of the above. I'm an avid reader, I work in a school district, I have kids, I have nieces and nephews, so in general I just know the book. Lately its been a running joke at work as well. (if you give a customer a cookie...LOL)
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