little leaf
Avid Member
one of my 6 mo old Jax babies got her tongue stuck on a vine yesterday - she was stuck for over 5 min/ she shot a silk, got 1/2 the silk, 1/2 the vine - it was one of those vines that kinda look like they have dirt on them - she had to run to her tongue, and HUNG from it- and of course, she was on the way back side of the cage, upside down, and the vines are wired in , so I could not take it out - I hurried and just held her close to the vine to get the pressure and weight off her mouth - it scared me to death - what if she does this again, and can not get her tongue off- is there a way to help them- she had not done this before, but what do you do if they do get really stuck - or was this just a freak thing ? at one time of another , about every one of my chams has stuck my finger when their tongue kind "over flowed" from the feeder bug - thats a weird feeling
- but they did not stick - she went and hid, and would not eat the rest of the day
I have not fed yet this AM - should I let her rest her tongue today - I think it really did hurt when it happened 
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