I think my Derpy is in trouble


I'm not going to lie I have been noticing my Jackson's eating habits are getting more and more infrequent. I took him to the vet and still no signs of parasites in his fecal. Yet again I did come home upset because the vet failed to get a blood sample. I think I may go to another vet... she just doesn't want to keep poking him and she never gets blood when she does. My worry now is his actions today. This morning when I checked on him he was sitting under his light basking and I noticed his left front and back legs were hanging off the branch. I thought maybe he was being extra lazy today but hours later in the afternoon he had moved and both his back leg was hanging down but his front was barely around the branch. It is now 11PM here in Alaska and about 15 minutes ago I went to check on them again to make sure they were sleeping alright I found him like you see in the picture. Not good ones I'm sorry, I had my phone on me and my actual camera was downstairs. He is hanging sideways grasping with his right and totally free falling with his left..... this makes my heart break and it can't be good. He is still having urate problems with it being mostly liquid and like I said he isn't eating as much as he used to. I get frustrated with him because he just won't eat. I try and try multiple times with roaches, crickets and worms... I have seen him drink so that is one good thing.

Edit: the last picture is an attempt to just show his front leg isn't holding on to anything.


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So I tried to lay down but I couldn't stop thinking about him hanging there so I got up and went back upstairs and put him ON a branch. He walked away a little to where he could hang upside down and he didn't use his back leg. I prodded at it gently for a reaction and he turned darker (he was already upset I woke him and placed him on a branch), he pulled his leg away and did place his toes around a branch but soon let go to let it hang. I put a large old pillowcase under him in case he should fall while sleeping. I am getting very sad at the thought of him passing which I think may be his route :( but I am not giving up on him!
How often and how much is he eating? I don't see anything wrong in the pictures. My boys sometimes hang a leg or two and there isn't anything wrong. How old is he?
I am so sorry to hear that Derpy is having trouble. Has he had an X-ray? I hope the new vet will be able to help. Sending lots of love your way.
He doesn't eat much at all anymore :( I try several times a day, in the morning before I go to work, I come home for lunch and then again when I get home around 5pm. It has been several days now since the last time I saw him eat and the last few times he did eat it was ONE roach or ONE worm... hardly anything at all :( he did drink yesterday and always has

He is about 3 years old now. I don't know his hatch day but I've had him for 2.5 years and he was about 6 months when I got him from Petco.

I know it doesn't appear to be anything wrong but he is STILL hanging that leg around. He just doesn't want to use it although he can. Like I said in the previous post I poked and prodded a little and he moved it away from me and grasped to the fine, very soft grasp though.

No x-rays done as it doesn't appear to be broken or dislocated.
I am sorry about Derpy. I know how hard it is to worry with one not being healthy. Hope you are able to get him healthy.
With legs dangling like that- have the vet consider a bacterial infection. Even a tiny abrasion or broken nail from walking on a screen wall can do it sometimes if the lizard is under stress. This kind of infection starts at that kind of site and can then move- sometimes not becoming serious until much later than it started.
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