hunger strike

usually changing the feeder type may help get him off a hunger strike, what were you feeding up until the hunger strike?
crikets,locusts,waxwaorm,mealworms the worms are a couple a week ill be geting some dubias tomorrow if the guy has any maybe that will get him outa it
hmm, i dunno you have a good variety of feeders for your cham. Maybe its just a phase, he will eat when he wants to lol, but good luck with the dubias :)
Could be the change in temps. Have you tried silks or hornworms? Ive found most chams cannot resist a big juicy green hornworm. Added bonus they full of water/moisture so they are good for rehydrating a cham also.
i cant seem to find anywhere that sells them in the uk if anyone knows someone or a website i can get them from would be great. cheers
my veiled is having a funny spell at the moment and stopped eating for about three weeks, after asking for help on here i was advised to up my temps a little and he started eating again but only half the amount he used to eat. is the only place i have found that sells silkworms but i have never had much luck in them arriving in great condition, they also sell eggs which i am trying to breed/rear/hatch.
In the UK we cant get hornworms which is a shame as they look and sound like great things to get hold of.
Hope this helps
ive increased the temps this morning while its geting colder ill see if it helps though and cheers for the website ill have a look
Honestly my panther has never turned down a superworm! If you do feed superworms be careful not to over feed him or strictly feed him superworms all the time. My panther will act like that from time to time. Come to think of it, try gut loading your crickets with different types of fruits or vegtebles. I had to change up my supplements due to buying crickets from a different place. Temperature is another issue so make sure the temp acturate since it's getting a bit cooler. Hope this helps!! :)
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