Huge screen enclosures?


i want to make my own enclosure and was wondering if i could just make a giant one about 2 feet wide and 5 feet tall which is my height so i could just walk in. How would i be able to maintin the humidity. I would use an auto matic mister like the ones they have at the zoo.
You'll likely have to cover some of the sides to keep up the humidity. I would also build a good drainage system into the bottom. Build the cage, then use a digital hygrometer to test it over a few days to see what levels you're getting. Generally a few mistings of one or two minutes a day is good for hydration purposes. If your cage is drying out too much between mistings, buy a shower curtain and attach it to one or two sides. Cover more or less until the proper humidity levels are reached. And remember the humidity should drop significantly between mistings, it shouldn't constantly be high. A low of 35% and a high of 75% relative humidity is what I try to maintain several times a day.
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