how u incubate eggs

Why would you want to put water in the bin with the eggs?? If the eggs take on too much water the eggs will break open and the embryos will die.
to clarify or possibly simplify what others have said about the vermiculite-

I pour a bunch of vermiculite into a gallon bucket, and then pour a bunch of water into the bucket (I fill the bucket- exact amount is not important- saturating the vermiculite is the thing).

I grab a fistful of sopping wet vermiculite out of the bucket and sqeeze it as hard as I can until no more water drips out of it. I drop the fistful into plastic food storage container and repeat until the storage container is a little over half full.

I mostly use perlite rather than vermiculite, although I use both depending on what is available (In my area I have limited access to either product unless it has fertilizer in it, which I avoid). Personal preference- just keeps hatchlings cleaner and easier to see eggs during incubation.

For perlite- you can get a small gram scale and put equal weights perlite and water into your food storage container.
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